Salt Lake City

Boards and Commissions

Accessibility and Disability Commission: Members & Duties

Current Members

Commissioner Everette Bacon Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Scott Browning Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Amy Carmen Term expires December 2024

Commissioner Todd Claflin Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Nate Cripps
Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Jeff Kenyon
Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Leah Lobato
Term expires December 2024

Commissioner Pamela Mower
Term expires December 2024

Commissioner Margo Thurman
Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Kayci Lynam Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Jan Ferre
Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Rich Foster Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Kristy Chambers,
Term expires December 2026

Commissioner Ivana Powell, Term expires December 2026

Eligibility for Membership

The commission is made up of 15 members who represent a diverse range of accessibility and disability community perspectives. 

We seek members who: 

  • have a disability;
  • have experience working with a person, or persons, with a disability; or
  • who are affiliated with organizations that provide services to Salt Lake City residents with a disability.

Members are appointed by Mayor Erin Mendenhall with the advice and consent of the City Council to serve four year terms.

Residency requirements: Members shall either live in Salt Lake City; own a business in Salt Lake City; or be employed by or otherwise serve as a representative of an organization or government agency serving the accessibility or disability community of Salt Lake City. Up to one member of the board can be a city employee.

Powers & Duties

The Accessibility and Disability Commission:

Identifies issues of importance to the accessibility and disability community and provides information to the Mayor and City Council pertinent to those issues.

Advises and assists the Mayor and City Council on issues affecting the accessibility and disability community.

Evaluates City policies and practices and makes recommendations on how to increase access and participation among individuals with disabilities.


If you are interested in serving on this commission, please submit an application online. Please send a separate email to Ashley Lichtle ( to inform her of your application and include “ADC Application” as the email subject.

Only applications submitted up to one year prior to a vacancy date will be considered. Please note the Mayor’s office will only contact applicants when considering them for specific appointments.


A member may receive reasonable compensation for their service as a commission member pursuant to applicable Salt Lake City policies. 

Questions should be directed to

Ashley Lichtle, ADA Coordinator
Office of the Mayor
451 South State Street, Room 345
Salt Lake City, UT 844114-5474
Phone: 385-535-7799
TTY: 711
Fax: 801-535-6331