Salt Lake City

City Council


Council’s Role

Council Duties

Below is an overview of the City Council and its main functions.

Mayor/Council Form of Governement

Salt Lake City operates under a Mayor/Council form of government. The Mayor is the chief executive, and the City Council is the legislative body. This system is modeled after the Federal Constitution structure of government. Salt Lake City residents elect the Mayor and Council Members in separate elections.

Download the Council’s guide to local government for the City’s young constituents.

Council Duties

Council Members serve four-year terms, work for the City part-time, and receive pay. Each member represents one of the city’s seven districts with similar population size.

The City Council exercises the legislative powers of city government. This includes adopting the annual city budget, ordinances, and resolutions. They set appropriate tax levies, establish sewer and water rates, and set other general tax and service rates. They can override a Mayoral veto and set the Council agenda. Other responsibilities include introducing legislation, setting city policy, and giving advice and consent on appointments made by the Mayor to city boards, commissions and departments.

The Council is also the Board of Directors for Salt Lake City’s Community Reinvestment Agency (C.R.A.) (Formerly the Redevelopment Agency – R.D.A.), the Local Building Authority, and, with the Mayor, as the Board of Canvassers.

Mayor Duties

The Mayor is elected by residents separately from the Council and serves a four-year term. The position is full-time and paid. The Mayor’s authority includes; proposing the annual city budget, appointing city Department Directors, exercising veto authority, and managing the city’s day-to-day operations.

Chair and Vice Chair Roles

Every January, the Council elects a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson from its members.

The Chair’s duties include signing adopted ordinances and resolutions, representing the Council to the media and the Mayor’s Administration, overseeing the management of the City Council Office This includes monitoring and guiding the Council priorities, and scheduling items on the public meeting agendas. The Vice Chair is a backup to the Chairperson if the Chairperson is unavailable for any reason.

In addition, the Council Chair and Vice Chair represent the Council in meetings with stakeholders, including the Mayor, Salt Lake City School Board, and the Salt Lake Chamber Board.

2025 Council LeadershipChris Wharton, Chair. Alejandro Puy, Vice Chair.


The budget is one of the Council’s strongest policy-making tools. The Mayor and City Council adopt an annual budget and any necessary budget changes throughout the year. Check out our Budget 101 for more information.

Ceremonial Resolutions

Ceremonial resolutions allow the City Council to recognize and celebrate important people, groups and causes in our community. These resolutions do not create laws—they show support and appreciation. They can be signed by the Council and Mayor together or solely by the Council.

How to Request a Resolution:

If you would like the Council to consider a resolution, please submit your request online at least 30 days before the date you would like it approved. Council staff will confirm your request within three business days.

Due to the high volume of requests, the Council may be unable to accommodate every submission. The Council focuses on resolutions that align with its priorities and may not consider topics outside its responsibilities.

What to Include in Your Request:

The Council decides on the final wording for resolutions, but they would like your suggestions. Please share your ideas in simple bullet points or statements beginning with “whereas.”

Consider what you want the resolution to accomplish:

  • Recognize a person or cause
  • Encouraging people to take action
  • Showing support for a position
  • Raise awareness of a special month, week, or day

For inspiration, you can look at past resolutions adopted by the Council.

Guidelines for Resolutions:

  • Keep the text to one page
  • Order the bullet points or “whereas” clauses in a clear, logical order
  • Use an inspirational or celebratory tone
  • Include sources for any factual claims

Once the Council approves your resolution, we will send you a signed copy based on your preferred delivery method.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the Council Office with questions at 801-535-7600.

Community Reinvestment Agency (Formerly the Redevelopment Agency – R.D.A.)

The Community Reinvestment Agency (C.R.A.) (Formerly the Redevelopment Agency – R.D.A.) of Salt Lake City works with communities to implement Salt Lake City’s master plans. They aim to create housing opportunities, improve infrastructure, and participate in the economic development of Salt Lake City.

The Salt Lake City Council members serve as C.R.A. Board Members and regularly meet with the Redevelopment Advisory Committee (R.A.C.) to discuss current focus areas.

Learn more about the C.R.A., upcoming meetings, and their current projects.

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Council’s Role in City Planning

The city establishes land use laws according to the State’s Municipal Land Use Development and Management Act (LUDMA). LUDMA aims to protect and improve the morals, peace, good order, comfort, convenience, and aesthetics of each city’s residents and businesses.

Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance Title 21A provides a framework for city planning procedures.

Visit the Council’s Land Use 101 hub to learn more.

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Policies & Procedures

Council Public Meeting Rules

Council meetings are a space where everyone should feel safe and comfortable to share their views. Please avoid disruptions, threats, or unprotected speech. These actions or comments may result in removal from the meeting. Also, the Council does not find comments with intimidating or discriminatory language persuasive, and they do not help create a safe environment. To keep meetings respectful and efficiently running, please follow these guidelines: 

  1. Language: Avoid profanity, threats, personal attacks, or discriminatory language. 
  2. Disruptions: Avoid cheering, clapping, yelling, waving signs, or approaching the Council without being asked by the Chair. 
  3. Signs and Props: Signs are allowed if they don’t block others’ views or disrupt the meeting. To help avoid this, please follow these guidelines:
    • Keep signs small enough to hold in your lap or at your feet. 
    • Sticks or poles are not allowed for safety reasons. 
    • You can place your sign on the floor near the podium during your turn to speak. 
    • Please coordinate with staff before the meeting if you have presentation materials that need to be copied or distributed to Council Members. Please do not approach the dais. 
  4. Furniture: Please do not put your feet on furniture, touch the artwork and other decor, or bring food or drinks into the meeting room. 
  5. Bags: Staff or security may need to inspect large bags, purses, or backpacks for safety. 
  6. Recording: If you’re recording the meeting, please work with staff or security to find a suitable place to set up that won’t cause a disruption. 

The Council respects constitutional rights to free speech. It recognizes that some comments may be legally permissible under the U.S. and Utah Constitutions or other federal and state laws. However, the Council reserves the right to address behavior that creates disruption or safety risk or constitutes unprotected speech (such as true threats). In such cases, staff or security may intervene, including potentially removing individuals to ensure meeting order and public safety. 

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Council Member Policy Manual

Read a copy of the Council Member Policy Manual.

Please note the Council adopted changes to the manual on Tuesday, July 16, 2019, relating to Social Media Management and Social Media Terms of Use. See the updated terms of use policy in the section below “Social Media Terms of Use.”

Social Media Terms of Use

The Salt Lake City Council strives to represent the citizens of Salt Lake City through all its legislative actions.

The Salt Lake City Council Office has created this web page to enable communication between the public and the City Council regarding City programs, services, projects, issues, events, and activities. Salt Lake City’s official website is The City Council’s official website is

Social Media Terms of Use

a. Any individual accessing or using this social media account (the “User”) accepts, without limitation, the following terms of use (“Terms”). The City maintains the right to modify these Terms without notice. Any change is effective upon posting to this account.

b. A User is also subject to any terms of use of the social media platform provider (“Provider”). The City Council has no control over a Provider’s terms of use, content, commercial advertisements or other postings produced by the Provider that may appear on this account page as part of the Provider’s environment.

c. Comment Policy Posted content (comments, photos, links, or other material, referred to hereafter as “Comments”) must relate to discussion of City programs, services, projects, issues, events, or activities. Comments posted on this account will not be edited by the City Council. Comments that do not relate to the City Council business may be hidden or removed, including specifically, Comments that:

  • Promote, foster, or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity;
  • Include slanderous, or defamatory attacks; threatening, harassing, or profane language; obscene or sexual content or links to obscene or sexual content;
  • Solicit commerce or advertisements including promotions or endorsements;
  • Promote or conduct illegal activity;
  • Are spam that include links to external online sites;
  • Violate a legal ownership interest of any person, including improper use of a trademark or copyrighted material; or
  • May compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems.

d. Comments are the opinion of the User and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of the City, its officers, employees, or agents.

e. Comments may be a public record subject to public disclosure under the Utah Government Records and Access Management Act (“GRAMA”).

f. Comments made on this page do not constitute a legal or official notice or comment to Salt Lake City and will not be regarded as a request for service.

g. Comments requesting for copies of a public record will not be considered. A public record request can be made here: GRAMA request

h. This account may contain links to websites not owned or controlled by the City Council. The City Council is not responsible for content that appears on these websites and provides links as a convenience only.

i. The City Council reserves the right to hide, remove, mute, or delete information posted by a User who violates these Terms, or report the User to the Provider for a violation of the Provider’s terms of use. Repeated or egregious violations of these Terms may result in denial of access to this Account. Such actions will be taken pursuant to the Social Media Management Policy.

j. Copyright Policy Information and materials produced by the City Council and posted on this page are City property. The City Council retains the copyright to all text, graphic images, and other content produced by the City Council. A User may, without obligation to the City, view, copy, link to, or distribute information found here if for non-commercial use, unless otherwise stated. However, the City Council makes no warranty that information on this web page is free of copyright claims or other restrictions on free use. Commercial use is prohibited.

l. Disclaimers The City Council does not guarantee that Comments are monitored regularly, and therefore, Users should not use this account to contact or provide notice to the City about dangerous conditions on public property. If a dangerous condition exists, please contact the police department, fire department, public utilities, or other relevant City department. The City Council does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of any information posted on this account. The City Council may suspend or discontinue this social media account at any time.

The information posted is provided on an “as is” basis and the User assumes the risk of use or reliance on such information. The City Council, its officers, employees, or agents are not liable for any injury or damages resulting from viewing, distributing, or copying materials on this account, including without limitation, liability for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages.

Questions about these Policies or this web page may be directed to

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