The Council is reviewing a proposal to create a new zoning district known as the Jordan River Fairpark (JRF) District. […]
Spill the Tea in D3
Council Member Chris Wharton attended the Spill the Tea in D3 event and had candid conversations with neighbors at Mestizo Coffeehouse. […]
Train Quiet Zone Temporary Suspension
On Sept. 30, 2024, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) temporarily suspended the entire Woods Cross Quiet Zone after identifying four non-compliant train crossings within the zone. As a result of the suspension, routine train horn sounding must be initiated at crossings from Ogden to Salt Lake City until all crossings meet Quiet Zone regulations. […]
Clean Air SLC Landscaping Equipment Exchange
Gas-powered lawn equipment creates a lot of air pollution! That’s why Salt Lake City is offering a limited number of vouchers for residents to switch to Electric Leaf Blowers, Snow Shovels, and/or Snow Blowers. […]
Statement: SEG Vote
With the proposed Sports, Entertainment, Culture, and Convention District around the Delta Center still pending, I want to share how thankful I am to everyone who participated in this critical process. Your feedback and engagement have been invaluable and will greatly impact our City. […]
Annual 2024 District 3 Newsletter
This newsletter highlights what I’ve been working on at City Hall, including: Salt Lake City’s efforts to address housing and homelessness, annual City budget process, updated City landscaping rules, and UDOT’s I-15 widening project […]
Snow Safety
The arrival of snow signifies a fantastic period of fun to be spent with family and friends. However, it’s also important to ensure that our sidewalks are as safe as possible so that we can enjoy the fun. […]
Temporary Shelter Community
Salt Lake City and the Utah State Office of Homeless Services are partnering to pilot a non-congregate shelter that will provide 50 people living unhoused with safe, private living spaces.
300 North Bridge Project
Project Update (October 2023): Construction is complete and the bridge is open! A new walking and bicycling bridge over the railroad tracks at 300 North (approximately 500 West) […]
SLC Planning Division: Join the Planning Commission
Salt Lake City is seeking residents living in District 3 interested in joining the Planning Commission