Ordinance: Zoning Map Amendment at Western Garden Centers
At its June 7 meeting, the Council approved a request to rezone the property at 550 South 600 East from Neighborhood Commercial (CN) to Form-Based Urban Neighborhood District (FB-UN2). The Council also approved conditions to help minimize the project’s impact on the surrounding neighborhood. The approved conditions include:
- Requiring ½ parking space per one-bedroom unit,
- Requiring 1 parking space per unit with two or more bedrooms,
- Increasing setbacks (a no-build buffer space) from the single-family homes on the property’s westside from 20 to 25 feet.
The subject parcel is currently occupied by the Western Garden commercial center. The property was rezoned and the new FB-UN2 zone will allow the property owner to redevelop the property into a multifamily residential project or other uses allowed by the new zone.
June 7, 2022 Council Action
The Council approved a request to rezone, with conditions, the property at 550 South 600 East from Neighborhood Commercial (CN) to Form-Based Urban Neighborhood District (FB-UN2).
April 5, 2022 Public Hearing
The Council held and closed a public hearing at the Tuesday, April 5 meeting. The Council will take action on this request at a later meeting (date to be determined).
March 22, 2022 Council Discussion
The Council discussed the request during its work session meeting on Tuesday, March 22 and set a public hearing date for Tuesday, April 5.