The Council is reviewing a request to rezone four parcels on the southeast corner of 400 East and 500 South.
SLC Green Loop
Salt Lake City is exploring a concept to improve the quality of life for people living, working, and traveling downtown. The Green Loop presents opportunities to add more transportation choices around downtown while increasing the urban forest, and improving public spaces.
Fleet Block Rezone
Since 2020, the Council has been reviewing a proposal from the Mayor’s Administration to create a new zone (Form-Based Urban Neighborhood 3 or FB-UN3) and whether to apply that new zone to the 10-acre city block between 300 and 400 West and 800 and 900 South, also known as the Fleet Block. Salt Lake City previously used the area for a fleet maintenance facility that has since been relocated.
Making Main Street a Place for People
Following the success of the Open Streets events, the City is considering ways that Main Street could become a permanent pedestrian mall between South Temple and 400 South.
Downtown Building Heights
The Council is reviewing a proposal that would create new requirements to allow for taller buildings and could make it easier for pedestrians to move around downtown. […]
Ordinance: Zoning Map Amendment at Western Garden Centers
At its June 7 meeting, the Council approved a request to rezone the property at 550 South 600 East […]