Pioneer Park
Cultural Landscape Report
The Public Lands Department funded a Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) for Pioneer Park, the first document of this type for the City. Pioneer Park is significant to both Salt Lake City’s founding and the diverse community members who have enjoyed the park since its creation. Pioneer Park is listed on the Local and National Registers of Historic Places as a Landmark site.
The report, particularly the treatment recommendations, provides guidance for proposed improvements, maintenance, and operations of the park. The Historic Landmark Commission was briefed on the report in August 2021 and February 2022. This report is now complete.
In addition, the Public Lands Department developed a Vision Plan in 2021 and 2022 to guide long-term capital improvements to Pioneer Park. The Vision Plan is based on extensive stakeholder and community engagement, review of precedents set by other cities nationwide, and consideration of site history, historically significant park elements, and treatment recommendations outlined in the Cultural Landscape Report for Pioneer Park.
The Historic Landmark Commission was briefed on the work in process at its March 3, 2022 meeting. Please stay tuned for future updates.