October 2024 Update
Based on feedback from the community, the project team is anticipating the following elements will be included in the design (these items aren’t currently shown on the draft concept):
- Signage on the multi-use path stating bikes yield to pedestrians.
- Shared bicycle/vehicle lane markings (or “sharrows”), for the outside vehicle lane in the downhill direction on the roadway to help alert motorists to the potential presence of cyclists in the roadway.
- New radar bike detection at the Wolcott St/1455 East intersection so that bikes will be detected while waiting to cross at the intersection.
- A leading-pedestrian interval (LPI) at the Wolcott St/1455 East intersection. With this signal adjustment, a pedestrian who pushes the ped button will get a several second head start to begin crossing the street before any cars get a green light. This helps pedestrians get at least partway across the street before any turning vehicles can proceed, and also helps improve the visibility of pedestrians in the crosswalk.
- Signage at the Wolcott St/1455 East intersection that will illuminate with flashing lights to warn turning vehicles that there are pedestrians in the crosswalk; these signs will activate when the pedestrian signal is requested.
- A ‘No Right Turn’ blank-out sign for northbound traffic turning onto 100 South from University Street. The new sign will be activated when the pedestrian signal is requested.
In 2025, Salt Lake City will reconstruct 100 South between University Street and North Campus Drive, near The University of Utah.
This stretch of 100 South has been identified in Salt Lake City’s 2015 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and the team will be evaluating options to add bicycle facilities. Salt Lake City anticipates that a roadway reconfiguration may be needed to better accommodate pedestrians and bicycles in this area. No final decisions have been made, and the current concept design is a preliminary draft and subject to change.
The 100 South Reconstruction Project will provide a safer and more comfortable multi-modal roadway for all users. This project will also address the deteriorating roadway condition of 100 South. This project interfaces with the previous reconstruction project completed on the corridor in 2021, from 900 East to University Street.
Please sign up here with your email to receive project updates, including notification of release of the concept design for comment.
Draft Concept
This is an initial design concept and is subject to change as it goes through engineering design process.
Key Features
- Extend sidewalk to create a multi-use path on the south side of 100 South from University St to Wolcott St connecting to the wide multi-use path to the east.
- Install HAWK signal at Butler Ave to create a safer crossing.
- Improve ADA access at Wolcott St across 100 South.
- Remove on-street parking between University St and Wolcott St
- Add new sidewalk on north side of 100 South, east of Wolcott St
Summer 2024: Community outreach and draft conceptual design development
Fall 2024: Design
Winter 2024: Final design
Spring 2025: Anticipated contractor selection
Late Spring 2025: Anticipated start to construction
How will the project make this area safer for pedestrians and cyclists?
The project connects the north sidewalk to existing pedestrian crossings, signalizes the crossing at Butler Ave, improves ADA access at the Wolcott St and Butler Ave crossings, and widens the southern sidewalk to provide a multi-use path. The signal timing at Wolcott Street will also be adjusted to improve pedestrian safety and visibility.
Will the project make improvements to University Street in this area?
We are aware of the degraded pavement and narrow turn lane on University Street near 100 South and are working to identify when funding for that area will be available. This project does not extend into the University Street intersection nor onto North Campus Drive.
Why is a multi-use path being built instead of separate sidewalks and bike lanes?
There is not enough width on the road to accommodate a separate bike lane and two travel lanes are required to facilitate existing traffic and emergency response access to the medical facilities.
What options have been considered for traffic calming along this route?
The project team is considering traffic calming options for this section of 100 South. However, the types of traffic calming measures applicable to an emergency response route are limited. In addition, this short section of 100 South between University Street and North Campus Drive has multiple points that can help to slow motorists, including a 90 degree bend, two traffic signals, and will include two signalized pedestrian crossings when finished.
If the multi-use path on the south side of 100 South gets too crowded and/or icy, will the street have room to safely accommodate cyclists?
Yes, cyclists will be able to ride with traffic in the travel lane if necessary. The outside lane will be widened to 11 feet.
Why is this project removing the on-street parking? Where will those cars now be expected to park?
The current on-street parking is not wide enough for a typical vehicle, meaning that parked vehicles
are actually taking up space in the travel lane. This is an unsafe condition that must be remedied. The University will identify alternative parking for the residences that typically use this on-street parking.
Will cyclists traveling downhill be directed to use the multi-use path or the road?
Cyclists travelling in either direction may use the travel lane or the multi-use path. The multi-use path is
recommended as a more comfortable, albeit slower, option.
Are there any plans to improve bus pickup and drop-off services along this road?
The project team has coordinated with the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) regarding bus stops along 100 South. UTA is planning to add a shelter to the bus stop near the North Campus Drive corner, which is a separate project and not necessarily on the timeline of this reconstruction project. The westbound bus stop near the intersection of University St will be relocated west of the intersection and improved as a
separate project on its own timeline.
How will the construction in this project be phased?
Construction is planned to occur outside the traditional school year and will be phased to maintain access to the University and medical campuses as well as for area residents. Construction schedules and specific phasing will not be confirmed until a construction contractor is selected in early 2025.
900 East to University St Reconstruction (Completed 2021)
Salt Lake City reconstructed 100 South in the summer of 2021 to address failing pavement conditions and replace the storm drain and curb and gutter along the corridor. Some sections of sidewalk and driveway approaches were reconstructed. After construction, the project left two lanes of traffic in each direction. Concurrent with construction, some public utilities improvements were made including replacement of some sections of the water main and slip lining the existing sewer line to extend its service life.
The project addressed some of the safety concerns we heard from the public, primarily by shortening crossing lengths with the use of bulb-outs. Bulb-outs are widened sections of curb on either side of a crosswalk that shorten the walking distance for pedestrians and help slow traffic. This project installed bulb-outs on the east side of Lincoln Street and all corners of 1000 East and 1200 East. The intersection of University Street and 100 South was fully reconstructed to improve safety. Other changes included wider corners to better align the traffic lanes from east to west, bulb-outs to shorten the crossing lengths, new traffic signals, and additional trees and landscaping. The realignment of the intersection helped remove the dedicated right-turn lanes that existed on the north and east legs. This small change may have added a few seconds of additional travel time, but offers a significant reduction in the potential for pedestrian/auto crashes. The mid-block crossing at McClelland Street was also improved with a raised center median, trees, and new paint to make it more visible to cross-traffic. An additional pedestrian call button was also added in the center.
Project Map
Street Design
Project Timeline
Fall/Winter 2019: Community outreach, input gathering, and draft conceptual design development
Winter/Spring 2020: Develop engineering plans based on the conceptual design
Fall/Winter 2020: Final design
Summer/Fall 2021: Construction
What We Heard
Preliminary design plans were completed based on public input, City master plans, as well as traffic and corridor analyses. Click below to download the 100 South survey raw data.
This project was funded through the 2018 voter-approved Funding Our Future street reconstruction bond.
Contact Us
Project Manager | Susan Lundmark
Email | 100south@slc.gov
Phone | 801-535-6413