Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

500 North Traffic Calming

Responsive Margin

September 2022 Update

Construction is underway and expected to be complete before November 2022. Expect some temporary traffic closures while our team completes the work.

This project includes:

  • 2 raised crosswalks (1400 West, Backman Elementary crosswalk),
  • traffic circle at 1300 West / 500 North,
  • raised islands (lane narrowing) at 1200 West,
  • several upgrades to pedestrian ramps / crosswalks,
  • 2 speed feedback signs (and 20 MPH speed limit).

Stay alert to changes in traffic patterns and stop signs at intersections.

  • The intersection of Oakley St / 500 North will be changed from an all-way stop to 2-way stop (north & south stop).
  • The intersection of 1200 West / 500 North will be changed to an all- way stop.

La construcción está en marcha y se espera que esté terminada antes de noviembre de 2022. Se prevén algunos cierres temporales de tráfico mientras nuestro equipo completa las obras.

Este proyecto incluye:

  • 2 pasos peatonales elevados (1400 Oeste, Paso Peatonal de la Escuela Primaria Backman),
  • rotonda en 1300 Oeste / 500 Norte,
  • isletas elevadas (estrechamiento de carril) en 1200 Oeste,
  • varias mejoras en las rampas/pasos de peatones,
  • 2 señales de indicación de velocidad (y límite de velocidad de 20 MPH).

Manténgase alerta a los cambios en los patrones de tráfico y a las señales de alto en las intersecciones.

  • La intersección de Oakley St / 500 Norte cambiará de un alto en todas las direcciones a un alto de 2 vías (alto norte y sur).
  • La intersección de 1200 Oeste / 500 Norte cambiará a un alto en todas las direcciones.

Project Background

In response to concerns from area residents, Salt Lake City is planning to implement traffic calming strategies on 500 North between Redwood and 1200 West.

For a neighborhood street, 500 North has unusually high vehicle traffic, which has associated speeding and safety issues. In 2018 a child from the neighborhood was hit by a vehicle and tragically did not survive. This is not acceptable. We know that reducing the speed of vehicles can substantially reduce the probability of serious injury or death in auto / pedestrian collisions.

In recent months the City built a lane narrowing feature near the Jordan River Parkway trail crossing. We are actively considering other modifications that include neighborhood gateway signs, raised crosswalks, and curb extensions that improve pedestrian safety while accomplishing traffic calming objectives.

Proposed 500 North Corridor Improvements

Proposed 500 North Corridor Improvements

How is this project being funded?

This project was made possible by funding from City Council, which allocated a portion of Salt Lake City’s share of Transportation Funding from the County’s Quarter-Cent Sales Tax. The funding provides approximately $270,000, a substantial amount of funds for traffic calming features. Still, it is well below the cost of reconstructing the street or addressing the overall pavement condition. This project will focus on spot improvements added to the corridor that slow vehicle speeds and provide dual benefit of improving pedestrian crossings.

Project Timeline

Spring 2021Project Announcement
Late Spring 2021 Input on Draft Design
Spring/Summer 2022Final Design
Fall 2022Construction

Contact Us

Project Manager | Kyle Cook

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