There is a new walking and bicycling bridge over the railroad tracks at 300 North (and approximately 500 West)! Salt Lake City partnered with Utah Transit Authority (UTA), Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), and community groups to build a safe connection for walking and bicycling that also reflects community character and needs. The bridge was funded in part by these partners and in part by a federal TIGER grant. The total project budget was roughly $8.5 million, and design details and features desired by the community were determined primarily by the budget.
300 North is an important connection for West High School students, Marmalade Library patrons, neighbors, commuters, and people bicycling. 300 North crosses five rail lines, including three owned by Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and two by UTA (FrontRunner). Because freight trains frequently stop or move slowly in this area, long delays, often over an hour, are common. These delays disproportionately affect West High students and residents who live west of 500 West. People walking and bicycling will sometimes illegally cross the tracks and through or under the train cars. This is especially hazardous with possibly unseen high speed trains passing on adjacent tracks. In addition, the nearest reasonable detours for walking and bicycling are far enough away that they are not considered feasible alternatives.
The walking and bicycling bridge enhances mobility and safety by providing a means to cross the tracks safely and without undue delay.
Contact Us
Please contact us to ask questions or express concerns.
Public Engagement Manager | Darryl Jacques
Email | darryl@ja-today.com
Phone | 801-616-2743