Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

400 South Street Improvements (900 West – Redwood Road)

Responsive Margin


In 2023, the Transportation Division implemented improvements to 400 South as part of a larger effort to enhance transit facilities and improve roadway safety in Salt Lake City. This project constructed a series of in-roadway bus boarding islands and crosswalk upgrades between 900 West and Redwood Road.

400 South Project Extents from 900 West to Redwood Road

What are bus boarding islands?

According to NACTO, these islands are “dedicated waiting and boarding areas for passengers.” The islands serve three main purposes:

Enhanced Transit: By allowing the buses to stay in lane and riders to board at a more level access point, boarding the bus is easier and quicker. This creates more reliable transit service while keeping bus facilities, including benches and trashcans, within the right of way.

Enhanced Bike Connection with the Jordan River Parkway:  By placing bike lanes behind the boarding islands, bikes have more protection from cars on the road and won’t have to go around a stopped bus.

Traffic Calming (Slowing Cars): The Westside 400 South corridor is home to two elementary schools, a regional trail system and numerous homes, shops and places of worship. While automobile travel is an important part of the road, pedestrian safety, reliable bus service and comfortable bike lanes could all use a boost in the area. Bus boarding islands in the roadway are a part of a larger strategy to transform this section of 400 South into a space for all modes of travel, where kids and transit riders are as comfortable and safe as someone in a car.

Improved Crosswalks

In addition to bus boarding islands, improvements were made to the 400 South crossings at approximately 1400 West and Goshen Street. Pedestrian refuge islands were built in the median turn lane and the curbs were extended near the crossing. These treatments were used in concert with flashing crosswalk signs (RRFBs) to shorten crossing distances, provide traffic calming and enhance visibility for pedestrians and cyclists around Sherwood Park and Franklin Elementary School. The treatments also provide safer crossings for children going to and from Edison and Franklin Elementary Schools.

Contact Us

Project Manager | Joe Taylor

Email |

Phone | 801-535-6630

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