Continuing to improve crossings across the city is vital to supporting a safe, comfortable, and accessible experience for people walking. Upgraded crosswalks offer improved visibility for people walking, increased user-friendliness, and help maintain driver attentiveness. Salt Lake City installs a variety of different treatments to improve crosswalks. This page highlights these treatments and the projects that have improved crossing facilities around Salt Lake City.
Pedestrian HAWK Signals
“HAWK” is an acronym for High Intensity Activated crossWalK and was originated in Tucson, Arizona. This hybrid pedestrian signal has since been safely and successfully used throughout the United States. The signal has been approved and adopted into standard traffic engineering manuals. Below are upcoming HAWK additions across the city.
Crosswalk Enhancements
Crosswalk enhancements are made up of a broad variety of safety improvements involving pedestrian crossing facilities. Curb extensions, rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs), median refuge islands, striping, signage and bringing facilities up to ADA compliance are typical treatments that are used to enhance a pedestrian crossing.
Along with upgrades to these crossings, the Transportation Division has overseen the installation and updates to pedestrian flashers across 30 locations throughout the city. These updates may include new poles, increases in signage and new foundations for the poles. The updates were funded through the Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
List of Projects by Year
Below are archived collections of crosswalk improvements that have been completed each year since 2020. Click on the accordion to view the location and images of each improvement.
Crosswalk Improvements 2023
Crosswalk Enhancements
- 400 East and 2100 South
- Wakara Way – just east of Foothill Drive
- 1000 East and South Temple (east and west legs)
- 1200 East and South Temple
- 1000 North and Capistrano Drive
- 200 North and 400 West
- 1400 West and 400 South
- Goshen Street and 400 South
Crosswalk Improvements 2022
Crosswalk Enhancements
- Folsom Trail and 900 West
- Folsom Trail and 1000 West
- Jordan River Trail and 500 North
Crosswalk Improvements 2021
Crosswalk Enhancements
- 1300 West and 1700 South
- 1900 East and 2100 South
- 2100 South and 2300 East
- Garfield Avenue and 2300 East
- Redondo Avenue and 2300 East
- Wilson Avenue and 2300 East
- Lincoln Street and 100 South
- McClelland Street and 100 South
- 200 North and Main Street
- Wyoming Street and Parley’s Way
- Stringham Avenue and Parley’s Way
- Zenith Avenue and Richmond Street
- Stringham Avenue and Highland Drive
- 2300 East and Sunnyside Avenue
- 1250 South and 900 West
- Ashton Avenue and 900 East
- Elm Avenue and 900 East
- Hollywood Avenue and 900 East