Salt Lake City


P.O. Box 145451, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5451

Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

The City Council has approved CIP funding for FY25.

Salt Lake City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is now accepting applications.
If you are a resident of Salt Lake City and interested in applying, you must complete the CIP Constituent Application in ZoomGrants and submit by Saturday, September 30, 2024 @11:59pm. Late applications will not be accepted for the FY25/26 CIP cycle after this deadline. 

Oprima en esta oración para leer la información en español.

What is the Capital Improvement Program (CIP)?

Salt Lake City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a multi-year planning program of capital expenditures needed to replace or expand the City’s public infrastructure. In other words, CIP pays for big projects like parks, public buildings, and street projects. Have a street, sidewalk, or curb and gutter issue? Please check MyStreet Services for help. 

Capital improvements involve the design, construction, purchase or rehabilitation of the City’s infrastructure including buildings, parks, streets, sidewalks, bridges, transportation features, traffic signals or other physical structures.

A capital improvement must have a useful life of five or more years, have a minimum cost of $50,000, and a maximum cost of $500,000 and satisfy the functionality of a capital asset.

Each budget year, money is set aside for CIP. The City Council reviews the CIP plan during the annual budget process and approves the total amount of available funding. Over the summer, the Council further reviews and appropriates project-specific funding. Learn more about the Council’s role in CIP here.

What is a constituent request? Who can submit one?

Residents, neighborhood groups, community-based organizations, or neighborhood business district organizations of Salt Lake City are able to participate in the CIP process by submitting constituent request applications. See the latest information in the “Constituent Request Applications” section below.

CIP Constituent Expectations FY25/26

Constituent Request Applications

If you are a resident, neighborhood group, community-based organization, or neighborhood business district organization of Salt Lake City and are interested in applying you must complete the ZoomGrants application.

Salt Lake City welcomes and values community input for potential capital improvements throughout the city. Once submitted, constituent request applications are forwarded to the appropriate City Department/Division to evaluate for specific criteria and the alignment with the Department/Division or City’s master plans. During this process, City staff will continue to collaborate with the applicants concerning the project scope and cost estimates.

Please note: The constituent request application deadline is not the final application submission deadline. Internal Department/Divisions will continue collaborating with constituents until the final application deadline in late December.

Constituent Request Application Criteria:

  • The capital project must have a cost estimate of between $50,000 and $500,000 (for city infrastructure projects, cost estimates must be performed by Salt Lake City’s Engineering Division)
  • The capital project must have a useful life of 5 or more years
  • The capital project must be a Salt Lake City-owned asset
  • Community Outreach or Alternative Public Engagement is required
  • Locate your District, Community Council, and City Council Member with this interactive map

If you have questions or need assistance filling out the application, please contact

CIP Timeline


  • Projects take at least one year to go through the CIP process, from pre-submittal to allocation
  • The City runs on a July 1 – June 30 Fiscal Year
  • Questions? Contact

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