November 2024 Update
Construction of a traffic circle at Ramona Avenue and 1000 East is scheduled for winter 2024/25, featuring additional striping and signage. Temporary traffic calming measures will remain in place until work begins on the traffic circle. The project website will be regularly updated, and residents will receive timely updates as the project progresses. The project team is coordinating closely with the teams for the 2100 South and 1100 East projects to minimize impacts on adjacent neighborhoods during construction.
The Sugar House Safe Side Streets project originated from a Constituent Capital Improvement Program request for neighborhood traffic calming in a portion of Sugar House north of 2100 South. The project plans, shaped by traffic data, community input, and budget constraints, addressed key concerns throughout the area.
Thank you to everyone who actively participated in the development of the project. Your feedback and insights have been instrumental in shaping its direction. Throughout the process, staff have worked to address community concerns, consider budget limitations, and focus on the primary goal: slowing down traffic to create safer streets for all.
After thorough analysis and incorporating community feedback, the final design was developed. Speed cushions, designed with cutouts for emergency vehicles but not personal vehicles, were installed on 1000 East and Ramona Avenue in accordance with Neighborhood Byway guidelines. Standard speed humps, without cutouts, were placed on other streets within the project area. Additionally, a new traffic circle will be constructed at the intersection of 1000 East and Ramona Avenue in winter 2024/25. This design strikes a balance between safety, traffic flow, and budget considerations, effectively meeting the community’s needs.
Final Design
More Information
Existing Traffic Calming Elements
Existing Conditions and Recommendations Report (Fall 2022)
Existing Conditions and Recommendations Report (Fall 2022)
An evaluation of the study area revealed:
• Regardless of collection period, Hollywood Ave sees the highest vehicle volumes of the east-west streets
• North-south streets see higher vehicle speeds, though 85th percentile speeds throughout the study are not exceptionally high
• Injury crashes are largely limited to the perimeter of the study area
Please view the document below for the full existing conditions summary and area recommendations from Fall 2022. Current designs differ from the original recommendations in this document.
Temporary Intersection Installation (Summer 2023)
Temporary Intersection Installation – Summer 2023
In May 2023, staff placed a total of ten 4-foot-wide concrete traffic rings in the roadway. The City already owned these rings and there were no additional material costs associated with their installation. The placement of the rings and accompanying striping will help to calm traffic along 1000 East and reduce cut-through traffic on Ramona Avenue. This placement will narrow the vehicle travel lanes, diverting vehicles to the inside of the roadway and create an intended slowing effect on vehicles making turn movements onto Ramona Avenue. Most rings were removed in October 2023, but the rings at the intersection of Ramona and 1000 E will remain until the permanent traffic circle is constructed.
Contact Us
Project Manager | Keegan Galloro
Email | Keegan.Galloro@slc.gov
Phone | 801-535-6089