Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

400 South Safety Improvements

A photo of crosswalk improvements on 400 South at Goshen Street.

400 South Safety Improvements


During the 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funding cycle, residents from the Poplar Grove neighborhood submitted a plan to improve pedestrian safety on 400 South at the Goshen and 1000 West intersections. The plan includes curb extensions, red crosswalks, and flashing crosswalk signs (RRFBs). Curb extensions encourage motorists to follow the speed limit and shorten the time for a pedestrian to cross the street, making it safer to walk. Construction is expected in the summer of 2024.  

Why are these improvements being built in 2024 and not with the earlier project on 400 South this year? The funds for the 400 South bus stop improvements came from a federal grant. The funds for this project came from a constituent request with the Capital Improvement Program, which awarded funds later than the 400 South bus stop improvements. 


An aerial graphic depicting the proposed improvements to 400 South at the Goshen and 1000 West intersections.

Contact Us

Project Manager | Jenna Simkins

Email |

Phone | 385-414-0843

Social Media | @SLCmoves @SLCgov