Salt Lake City


P.O. Box 145451, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5451

Salt Lake City Division of Purchasing & Contracts Management

Salt Lake City Division of Purchasing & Contracts Management

The Purchasing and Contracts Division is responsible for solicitations for operational products, goods and services for Salt Lake City Corporation. 

Upcoming Procurement Events

Salt Lake City Division of Purchasing & Contracts Management is hosting a public outreach event to help local vendors and businesses learn how to work with the City. The next event is Tuesday, March 11th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Sorenson Unity Center located at 1383 S 900 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. There is onsite parking available accessible from 900 West, 800 West and California Avenue. We look forward to meeting with you.

Looking to do Business with the City?

Learn more about the different procurement units at the City as well as other resources here.

U3P Utah Public Procurement Place

Please register as a supplier through the Utah Public Procurement Place website to receive future notifications about solicitations. All questions or help with registering process must be fielded through the U3P admin team and can be reached by emailing them at or here.

Registration as a supplier on U3P does not pre-qualify the supplier or guarantee notification or receipt of a solicitation. It is the responsibility of the suppler to check the notices posted on U3P.

Salt Lake City Corporation is migrating to the new Utah Public Procurement Place (U3P) platform starting in January 2025. In order to respond to solicitations, you will need to register at the new U3P by clicking here. For first time users, click the link on the top right hand side where you will see a “Register” button. Click that button and you will be taken through the registration process.