Salt Lake City

City Council



Proposal to allow Single-Family Attached Dwellings in select Commercial Zones

Posted on: July 10th, 2024

The Council is reviewing a proposal to allow single-family attached dwellings in commercial zoning districts of the city that already allow multifamily housing. If approved, this type of housing would be allowed in the following zoning districts:  […]

April 16, 2024 Meetings

Posted on: April 17th, 2024

The Council was updated on the progress of SB 272, the Capital City Revitalization Zone Bill, held a public hearing and approved an ordinance to enhance enforcement on unlawful construction and demolition in historic zones, received a briefing, accepted public comment, and continued the public hearing on Connect SLC, a visioning document that will guide the next 20 years of transportation projects in the City, and more […]

Community Benefit & Tenant Displacement Amendments

Posted on: March 7th, 2024

The City Council approved several changes to City Code to implement policies identified in Thriving in Place. The changes aim to prevent the loss of existing affordable housing, mitigate displacement, and encourage development that benefits the community. […]

Council Statement on Updated Public Comment Policy

Posted on: March 6th, 2024

Today, we updated the general public comment policy to preserve our ability to effectively conduct City business and maintain a safe and welcoming public forum for all constituents. Going forward, we will allot one hour for public comments on general topics not otherwise scheduled on the meeting agenda. […]

Salt Lake City Issues Statement on H.B. 257

Posted on: January 22nd, 2024

Salt Lake City strongly opposes H.B. 257. This bill sends a hostile and demeaning message to transgender and non-binary Utahns and creates greater division in our community by compromising the safety and dignity of certain groups of people over others. […]

Public Input Requested on Salt Lake City Council Budget Process

Posted on: May 16th, 2023

The Salt Lake City Council invites the public to share feedback on the proposed FY2023-24 City budget during the first of two scheduled public hearings tonight at 7 p.m. Constituents are encouraged to tell Council Members about the City services and projects they believe should be prioritized while the Council works to balance the budget. 

Sign up for monthly email newsletters from your Council Member! | ¡Suscríbete para recibir boletines electrónicos mensuales de su Miembro del Concejo!

Posted on: September 13th, 2021

Did you know, Council Members send monthly email newsletters in both English and Spanish? These newsletters have great information so you can stay up to date with issues that may affect you—from information about upcoming projects in your district and community events to current issues and proposed City law changes that the Council is discussing. […]

Council returns to virtual public meetings

Posted on: August 4th, 2021

To help reduce the transmission of COVID-19, the Salt Lake City Council will return to virtual public meetings starting August 17. The return to online meetings follows an increase in COVID-19 cases in the City and elsewhere.

This change in meeting attendance is a precautionary measure for the safety of the public and City employees and is based on the latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Council will return with hybrid or in-person meetings when appropriate. […]

City Budget Adopted: Council approves $358 million City budget

Posted on: June 15th, 2021

The Council approved the City budget for the new fiscal year, which starts starts July 1. The approved budget focuses on essential services such as road repair, public safety, housing, COVID-19 community support, and citywide equity issues. Read the press release here.

Council Statement on violence at Capitols

Posted on: January 7th, 2021

We denounce the violence that occurred yesterday in Washington, D.C. and at our own Capitol. It is time to foster change in the partisanship that divides us. […]