Salt Lake City

City Council


Text Amendment for New Gas Stations Located Near Waters Sources and Parks


The Council is reviewing proposed zoning changes that would require new gas stations to be a certain distance from a river, stream, or other water body. The changes would also create distance requirements for new gas stations in relation to parks or open space areas over a certain size.

Why is this being proposed?  

The purpose of this proposal is to preserve and protect water sources and open space areas. 

According to a memorandum from the City’s Planning Director, “action is necessary to further the legitimate government interest in protecting rivers, creeks, streams, and other water bodies in the city and increasing the protection of groundwater protection areas.”  

Some may recall a private request to place a gas station on the corner of 2100 South and 1300 East, next to Sugar House Park. The application was ultimately denied, largely due to concerns about the gas station’s impact on the park and its water body. The gas station request motivated the proposed Gas Station Standards text amendment.

Proposed Distance Requirements 

The proposed ordinance would require a new gas station to be at least 350 feet from any river, stream, or other water body, or a park or other open space area that is at least one acre or larger. This is about the distance of a standard football field*, end zone to end zone.   

*The actual distance of a football field from end zone to end zone is 360 feet. 

Next Steps:  

The Council will continue discussing and vote on this proposal at a future meeting.

Input may be shared anytime online, by email at, or by phone at801-535-7654.  

Meeting Recaps

Sept. 3 Briefing 

On Tuesday, Sept. 3, the Council received a briefing on the proposed zoning changes.

Watch the discussion

Sept. 17 Public Hearing 

On Tuesday, Sept. 17, the Council held a public hearing to accept input on the proposal. No comments were made. Due to a noticing error, the public hearing was continued at the Oct. 1, 7 p.m. formal meeting. 

 Oct. 1 Public Hearing 

The Council continued the Sept. 17 public hearing to gather feedback on the proposal. One person spoke in support of the text amendment.

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