Salt Lake City

City Council


Community Benefit & Tenant Displacement Amendments

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Community benefit and tenant displacement amendments title 19 & 21a.50

The City Council approved several changes to City Code to implement policies identified in Thriving in Place. The changes aim to prevent the loss of existing affordable housing, mitigate displacement, and encourage development that benefits the community.

Applicants seeking a zoning or general plan amendment are required to: 

  1. Replace the demolished housing unit and then either restrict the rental rate on the unit for 20 years or pay the City for the loss of affordable housing; and   
  1. Provide additional community benefits, like more housing or spaces for businesses, to ensure these developments add value to the broader community.  

Additionally, if the proposed project will likely displace tenants, the developer must contribute to tenants’ moving expenses, housing application and deposit fees, and rental assistance payments. These policy changes only apply to developments requesting a zoning or general plan amendment. 

Council Discussions

Jan. 16: Council Discussion 

At its Jan. 16 meeting, the Council discussed a proposal to adopt Community Benefit and Tenant Displacement Amendments—one of the first implementation steps identified in the City’s anti-displacement plan, Thriving in Place. The discussion centered on the community benefits and enforcement. The Council will have a public hearing on this proposal on Feb. 20.   

Feb. 20: Public Hearing 

During the Feb. 20 public hearing, residents expressed their general support for the proposal, while some raised concerns about its enforcement. The Council is tentatively scheduled to vote on the proposal at its March 5 meeting. 

March 5: Council Vote 

At its March 5 formal meeting, the Council approved an ordinance requiring developers seeking a zoning or general plan amendment to either replace housing units lost or compensate the City for the loss and provide additional community benefits, like more housing, space for businesses, or open space.  

Process for Amending the General Plan or Zoning Map

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