Salt Lake City


P.O. Box 145451, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5451

Business Licensing

Business Licensing will be scheduling appointments Monday through Friday from 9:00am – 12:00pm & 1:00pm – 2:30pm.

We have a new licensing system that will require you to “renew existing license” by entering your license number (LIC0000-00000). You will be required to create an account first.

All residential rental properties within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City are required to maintain a valid, unexpired business license for each location. Contact Residential Rental Properties (Landlord/Tenant Program) for more information.

What is a Business License and do I need one?

A business license is the means whereby Salt Lake City Corporation grants you permission to engage in the business your license is issued for. The definition of business includes all activities, trades, professions or callings engaged in within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and carried on for the business of gain or economic benefit.

If you engage in any business – either permanently or temporarily – within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, you are required to maintain a valid, unexpired business license.

Section 5.02.005 states: Engaging in business means and includes, but is not limited to, the sale of tangible personal property at retail or wholesale, the manufacturing of goods or property, and the rendering of personal services for others for a consideration by persons engaged in any profession, trade, craft, business, occupation or other calling.

All commercial business licenses must be reviewed for zoning and building compliance, and fire safety code.

If your business is regulated by the State or if your business involves food preparation, you must also be in compliance with the appropriate State agency and the Salt Lake Valley Health department.

Why does the City license businesses?

Businesses are licensed to ensure:

  • The location is properly zoned for the activity to be conducted
  • The building the business will be operating in meets fire safety code standards
  • All state and local codes are adhered to, ensuring the safety and well-being of our citizens
  • Businesses are properly regulated

The revenue from license fee collections goes into the City’s general fund to pay for the cost of licensing and regulation and to ensure continuation and improvement of City facilities and services.

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