Salt Lake City’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan provides a guiding framework, recommendations, and policies for the development of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and improvements, along with education, encouragement, and enforcement programs. In keeping with the City’s Complete Streets ordinance, the plan addresses walking and bicycling as integral to the City’s transportation systems, while also recognizing the significant health, fitness and recreational aspects. This plan was passed by the City Council in 2015, updating the previous bicycle and pedestrian plan from 2004. With support from the City’s citizen-based bicycle advisory committee, the City has had a bicycle master plan dating back to the early 1990’s.
Complete Plan – optimized for web viewing:
Executive Summary only (4 MB)
Complete Plan – clickable (52 MB)
Complete Plan – printer-friendly, separated by page sizes:
8.5 x 11 pages (30 MB)
11 x 17 pages (19 MB)