Salt Lake City


P.O. Box 145451, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5451

Business Licensing Directions

The Business License Office is located at 451 South State Street, Room 225, in the City & County Building. There is metered parking on the street. There are a few limited one-hour free parking spots on the circle that is accessible mid block from 200 East. Please do not park in any spot marked “Permit,” as you will receive a parking citation and we cannot get those dismissed.

The building is Handicapped Accessible from the East side. The Handicapped entrance is just to the left (South) of the East entrance. There are also Handicapped parking spots on the circle close to the building.

Please note that the County Offices are no longer located in this building. They are located at 2001 South State Street. Click here to go to their web site.

Salt Lake City is located on major Interstate Routes I-80, I-15, and I-215. Within the City, State Street and North Temple Street are two of the major streets. All addresses within the City are numbered from the intersection of South Temple and Main Street, which are both zero. This area is also sometimes referred to as Temple Square. Most addresses are given in North or South and East or West coordinates, although there are also named streets, such as State Street, within the City. State Street could also be thought of as 100 East as it is one block east of Main Street which is zero. Also West Temple Street is 100 West or one block west of Main Street. Likewise, North Temple Street is one block north of South Temple Street and can be thought of as 100 North. With this information in mind, if the address is 451 South State Street, you know the address is one block east of Main Street and 4 1/2 blocks south of South Temple Street. As a general rule, when traveling away from zero or Temple Square, the even numbered addresses are on the right and the odd numbers are on the left.