For the latest information on Sexually Oriented Businesses (SOB) please refer to the ordinance 5.61. The information provided here is for quick reference only and may have changed since this page was last updated and does not cover all the requirements or restrictions.
Regulated (alcohol, tow truck, S.O.B.) commercial business license process.
What is a Sexually Oriented Business (S.O.B.)?
Definition: “Sexually oriented business” means nude entertainment businesses, sexually oriented outcall services, adult businesses, seminude dancing bars and seminude dancing agencies. (5.61.040, A.19)
Can alcohol be served in a Sexually Oriented Business?
Except for seminude dancing bars, it is unlawful to allow, offer or agree to allow any alcohol to be stored, used or consumed on or in the licensed premises. (5.61.210, C)
Where can a Sexually Oriented Business be located?
They are allowed in the following Zoning Districts only: (21A.36.140, B)
- CG General Commercial District
- M-1 Manufacturing District; and
- M-2 Heavy Manufacturing District
Sexually Oriented Business Conditional Site Plan Review
The planning commission shall conduct a conditional site plan review for all sexually oriented businesses. (21A.36.140, D)
Required Distance From Other Uses
No sexually oriented business shall be located within a one thousand foot (1,000′) radius of any place of worship, park, school, residential zoning district, residential use, or licensed child daycare center, as measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, streets or other barriers from the nearest point of the property line of the school, park, place of worship, residential zoning district, residential use, or licensed child daycare center, to the nearest point of the property line of the sexually oriented business. (21A.36.140, F.1)
Concentration Prohibited
No sexually oriented business shall be allowed within a one thousand foot (1,000′) radius of another sexually oriented business. (21A36.140, F.4)
Click on Applications or Fees (page 11).