Salt Lake City

City Council


Northpoint Small Area Plan

The Latest 

On Nov. 14, 2023, the Council voted to approve the Northpoint Small Area Plan. The Plan had been under Council review since Feb. 2023. Keep scrolling to learn more about the Plan and catch up on past Council discussions.

What is the Northpoint Small Area Plan? 

The Northpoint Small Area Plan will help guide future growth in the northwest part of Salt Lake City. The area is approximately between the Salt Lake City International Airport and the northern SLC boundary line. 

The previous plan for this area was first adopted in 2000. The updated plan is in response to the growth in the area and recent land annexations of nearby unincorporated land.  

Past Council Discussions

At its Sept. 5 meeting, the Council received a follow-up briefing on the Northpoint Small Area Plan. The Council held a public hearing on this issue in March 2023 and deferred voting on the plan until more discussion with stakeholders and residents could be held.

The Council has requested changes to the plan, such as:

  • Strengthening requirements for a wetland buffer, 
  • Zoning changes to allow Light Industrial and remove Business Park as permitted uses, 
  • Requiring bird-friendly design requirements and 
  • Limiting distribution in the area. 

The Council will have another discussion before voting on the proposal at a future meeting.

Project Area Map

Map courtesy of SLC Planning 

Future Development and Growth 

The plan seeks to balance the needs of the SLC Airport, agriculture, wildlife habitats, and property rights as the area continues growing. As part of this balance, the plan recommends limiting distribution (or logistic) business in this area. 

Prior to the Council review of the plan, the Planning Commission recommended removing the limit on distribution land uses in this area. The Planning Commission also recommended expanding a wetland buffer from 200 feet, as initially proposed, to 300 feet. 

Mayor Mendenhall submitted a letter to the City Council urging the council to keep the limitation on distribution uses in the plan. 

Map courtesy of SLC Planning 

What will the plan do?  

  • Identify the best land uses that can coexist with the Salt Lake City International Airport. 
  • Identify necessary infrastructure for the area, including utilities and roadways.  
  • Identify appropriate transportation options to link future employment opportunities to nearby areas. 
  • Identify strategies to reduce the impacts on agriculture, the environment, and wildlife within the area. 
  • Recommend methods to reduce negative impacts future growth may have on air quality, water quality, noise, and light. 

Learn more about the Northpoint Small Area Plan by reading the adopted plan here.  

Meeting Recaps

November 14 Council Vote

During its formal meeting, the Council voted to approve the Northpoint Small Area Plan.

The Council also approved two legislative actions as part of its approval. The first legislative action requests that the City’s Planning Division draft a new zoning district to implement the vision, goals, and policies outlined in the Plan. The second legislative action requests that the Mayor’s Administration continue a city-led effort to annex unincorporated (County-owned) properties in the area generally identified by the Northpoint Small Area Plan into Salt Lake City.

Council staff report 
Watch the vote

October 17 Follow-up Briefing 

During its work session meeting, the Council received a follow-up briefing on the proposed Northpoint Small Area Plan. During the briefing, the Council signaled its support for the plan with a few changes. Those changes include: 

  • Asking the Administration to create a new zoning district or overlay specific to this area to help implement the Northpoint Plan’s vision and goals. 
  • Any properties that annex into the city before the new zone is created would be zoned as Agricultural (AG). Property owners may request a rezone once the new zoning district is created and adopted. 
  • Expanding the proposed buffer along the Jordan River to 300 feet for the area north of Interstate 215 

The Council will vote on the Northpoint Small Area plan at a future meeting (date to be determined).  

Watch Discussion
Staff report

September 5, 2023 – Work Session Follow-up Briefing

During its follow-up briefing, the Council discussed balancing development pressures, property owners’ rights, quality of life, and environmental concerns. Council Member Victoria Petro shared that residents who live along 2200 West generally support moving forward with the small area plan as currently drafted. The Council indicated its support to zone properties in the transitional area as Agricultural (AG) until a new zone to better fit with the vision of the plan is adopted. The Council will have another discussion before voting on the proposal at a future meeting.

Watch discussion

March 7, 2023 – Public Hearing

The Council held a public hearing on the proposed Plan, where over 60 people spoke and voiced opinions about future development, impacts on existing property owners and the environment, services and new amenities that will be needed, and desired ecological protections.  

The Council will consider action on this plan at a future meeting.

Watch public hearing

February 21, 2023 – Work Session Briefing

The Council received a briefing on the proposed Northpoint Small Area Plan, which focuses on land north of the SLC Airport along the 2200 West corridor. Council Members raised questions about the impact future development may have on traffic, air quality, noise, the environment, and to people living and working in the area.  

As a small area plan, this will guide how future zoning and land use may evolve and can also designate wetland and waterway buffer areas.    

Watch discussion

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