Salt Lake City

City Council


Metropolitan Water District Property Tax Increase Proposal


The Council is reviewing a proposal from the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake City & Sandy (the District). The proposal allows the District to raise its part of property taxes to keep up critical water infrastructure that treats and delivers water to residents.  


The Salt Lake Valley faced a severe drought in 1935, which led to the creation of the District. Its primary objective was to manage and treat water from different sources within and outside the valley. The District is responsible for crucial projects like the Salt Lake Aqueduct, which requires maintenance after being used for over 70 years. 

The Council’s role in the District includes reviewing the budget; however, it does not formally adopt it. The Council also appoints five of the District’s seven-member Board of Trustees. 

Proposed Tax Increase

The District proposes increasing property taxes from 0.0002 to 0.00035 to pay for infrastructure upgrades and expansion. The District estimates the increase would generate over $8.6 million between Salt Lake City and Sandy. The funding would be used to continue treating and delivering water customers depend on.  

If approved, residents could expect an approximate $49.00 per year increase, based on a home valued at $596,000, the average in Salt Lake City.  

For additional details and information, please refer to the Project Resources below. 

Why increase property taxes? Can’t the necessary revenue come from water rates? 

The District generates its primary revenue from water sales, property taxes, and other sources. While increasing water rates may seem straightforward, it could impact families relying on a fixed budget.  

Additionally, while higher water rates could encourage water conservation, critical infrastructure upgrades are still needed no matter how much water residents use. 

Next Steps


The Council will continue discussing the proposed tax rate increase at its Tuesday, May 21, 2 p.m. work session meeting. At its later 7 p.m. formal meeting, the Council will hold a second public hearing on the proposed increase.  

Learn how to participate in the Tuesday, May 21 meeting. 

Input may also be shared anytime by, calling 801-535-7654, or submitting your comments online.  

Meeting Recaps

May 7, 2024 Council Discussion & Public Hearing 

During its work session meeting, the Council continued discussing the proposed property tax increase. Later, at its formal meeting, the Council held the first of two public hearings on the proposed tax increase. The Council will hold a second public hearing at its Tuesday, May 21, 7 p.m. formal meeting. 

April 2, 2024 Council Discussion 

The Council received a briefing about the District’s proposed property tax increase for Fiscal Year 2024-25. At its May 7 meeting, the Council will hold a public hearing. 

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