Salt Lake City

City Council


Recently Completed Projects

Capital City Revitalization Zone

Posted on:July 11th, 2024
On July 9, the Council unanimously endorsed the Participation Agreement and Project area. The agreement will be sent to the State Revitalization Zone Committee for consideration before returning to the Council for final approval and adoption of the proposed sales tax increase. [...]

FY2023-24 City Budget

Posted on:June 28th, 2024
The Council-approved Fiscal Year 2023-24 (FY24) City Budget starts July 1, 2023, and ends June 30, 2024. Changes or adjustments to the adopted budget go through the budget amendment process. Amendments can happen several times yearly and include proposed project additions and modifications. [...]

Ballpark Station Area Rezones

Posted on:May 23rd, 2024
The Council recently voted to rezone properties within the boundaries of the Ballpark Station Area Plan. [...]

Metropolitan Water District Property Tax Increase Proposal

Posted on:May 23rd, 2024
The Council recently approved a resolution allowing the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake City & Sandy (the District) to raise its portion of property taxes. The tax increase was considered necessary to keep up critical water infrastructure that treats and delivers water to residents. [...]

Connect SLC: A City-wide Transportation Plan

Posted on:May 10th, 2024
The Council recently adopted Connect SLC, the Citywide transportation Plan. The Plan sets a 20-year vision for transportation in Salt Lake City. It identifies goals, long-term policies, and actions to guide transportation decisions citywide over the coming decades. If approved, it will replace the existing Transportation Master Plan adopted in 1996. [...]

FY 2024-25 Federal Grants

Posted on:March 14th, 2024
Every year, the City receives money from the federal government for projects and programs to address vital community needs such as affordable housing, homeless services, rental assistance, and more. [...]

Community Benefit & Tenant Displacement Amendments

Posted on:March 7th, 2024
The City Council approved several changes to City Code to implement policies identified in Thriving in Place. The changes aim to prevent the loss of existing affordable housing, mitigate displacement, and encourage development that benefits the community. [...]

Landscaping & Buffers Chapter Amendments

Posted on:January 2nd, 2024
At its Tuesday, March 5, 2024 meeting, the City Council held a follow-up discussion and adopted changes to the City’s landscaping ordinance and clarified the restriction on artificial turf. [...]

Fleet Block Rezone

Posted on:December 5th, 2023
On Dec. 5, 2023, the Council voted to create a new form-based zone, titled Form-Based Urban Neighborhood 3 (FB-UN3), and apply it to the Fleet Block, the City's former fleet facility. [...]

Affordable Housing Incentives

Posted on:December 5th, 2023
On Dec. 5, 2023, the Council voted to approve Affordable Housing Incentives (AHI) zoning changes to encourage affordable housing construction across the City. [...]

Historic Text Amendment & Proposed Local Historic Districts

Posted on:November 14th, 2023
On Nov. 14, 2023, the Council voted to adopt changes to the City's Historic Preservation rules for all historic districts and landmark sites. [...]

Northpoint Small Area Plan

Posted on:November 14th, 2023
On Nov. 14, 2023, the Council voted to approve the Northpoint Small Area Plan. [...]

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