The Council-approved Fiscal Year 2023-24 (FY24) City Budget starts July 1, 2023, and ends June 30, 2024. Changes or adjustments to the adopted budget go through the budget amendment process. Amendments can happen several times yearly and include proposed project additions and modifications. […]
FY2022-23 City Budget
On June 14, 2022, the Council voted to adopt the City FY2022-23 budget. […]
FY2021-22 City Budget
On June 15, 2021, the Council voted to adopt a new annual budget that fully supports Salt Lake City’s rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic. […]
Golf Funding
As an enterprise fund, the Golf Fund is charged with managing and maintaining the City’s six public courses with the revenues that it can generate through its services. The Council considers three key areas to assess the long-term financial solvency of the Golf Fund: Current-Year Budget, Past Operations Deficits, and Golf Capital Improvements Projects (CIP). […]