Salt Lake City

Council District 2

The Westside – Fairpark, Glendale, Poplar Grove, Downtown

Community Reinvestment Agency (C.R.A.) Project Areas

Redevelopment agencies are a tool used by local governments to implement community development goals.

Redevelopment projects are designed to spur additional growth, allowing depressed areas to be re-established as economically productive centers for business and social activity. Below are the Community Reinvestment Agency (C.R.A.) (Formerly the Redevelopment Agency – R.D.A.) project areas for District 2.

Map of North Temple RDA Project Area

North Temple Project Area

The North Temple Project Area (N.T.) is a major entryway to Salt Lake City. Served by the TRAX airport light rail line, or “Green Line,” the North Temple Corridor connects Downtown to the Salt Lake City International Airport, making the area an opportune site for new transit-oriented development. The C.R.A. is working to attract catalytic and infill development to the area by promoting and utilizing its construction loan programs, environmental assessment grants, and community outreach partnerships. The area’s form-based zoning and significant street improvements are transforming it into a vibrant, walkable, transit-oriented corridor. Visit the Community Reinvestment Agency’s website for more info. 

Map of proposed 9 Line RDA Project Area

9 Line Community Reinvestment Area

Through this 9-Line Community Reinvestment Area Plan (“Plan”), the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (“RDA”), contemplates the creation of a Community Reinvestment Area (“CRA”) to utilize tax increment as a funding mechanism to implement the community vision that has been established through the Westside Master Plan and that has been reaffirmed through the community engagement process utilized to develop this Plan. In addition, the creation of a CRA will assist in closing the gap in identified disparities by providing housing stability, economic development, and improved neighborhood conditions.

This Plan sets forth Goals, Objectives, and Tactics for the utilization of tax increment to leverage the neighborhood’s existing assets while encouraging commercial revitalization, housing stability, economic development, and enhancement of the public realm.

Visit the Community Reinvestment Agency’s website for more info on the 9 Line Community Reinvestment Area.

Depot District Project Area

The Depot District Redevelopment Project Area (D.D.) is located just west of Downtown, covering the area from North Temple to 400 South Street and 400 West Street to Interstate 15. Historically, the area has been part of the City’s industrial and railroad corridor. With the reconstruction of I-15 off-ramps and the consolidation of rail lines along 700 West Street, the improved accessibility of the area has made investment more desirable.

Visit the Community Reinvestment Agency’s website for more info on the Depot District. 

Granary District Project Area

The Granary District Project Area was historically utilized as an industrial and railroad corridor serving Salt Lake City. More recently, additional housing and service-oriented commercial developments have been added to the project area’s mix of land uses. The redevelopment plan aims to create mixed-use neighborhoods that support commercial businesses and services by improving public infrastructure, addressing deterioration, preserving historic structures, financially supporting adaptive reuse development, and creating open space. Granary District is the only project area to have a financial program all its own, The Granary District Adaptive Reuse Loan Program. This unique forgivable loan program has helped bring new local businesses to the Granary neighborhood through providing financial assistance to renovate structurally sound industrial buildings to serve more modern and active uses.

Visit the Community Reinvestment Agency’s website for more info on the Granary District. 

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