Salt Lake City is in the process of reconstructing multiple major corridors: 200 South, 300 West, and 900 South. These street reconstructions are important for the City’s overall growth and long-term plans, but we recognize that this construction is difficult for businesses, especially smaller businesses with fewer resources than big box stores. That’s why the City created this toolkit. We want to encourage the Salt Lake City community to support the small businesses along 900 South, 300 West, and 200 South! When people support these businesses, we want them to take a photo and tag @slcgov (and use #SupportLocalSLC22). While we hope that supporting small businesses and the local economy is reward enough, we will also be giving away an SLC flag hat each month for one of the users that tags SLC.
- Encourage people to support small businesses along these construction-impacted corridors
- Share reconstruction project information as needed
- Build organic engagement for these small businesses
- Capitalize on the summer time frame, with holidays and events like Little City, Open Streets, 4th of July, Pioneer Day, etc
Follow SLC Gov on Social and be sure to tag!
We have several graphics available for your use on social media. Feel free to download below and use, according to the information in the Toolkit PDF above.