On May 7, 2024, the city council voted unanimously to adopt the Citywide Transportation Plan.
What is Connect SLC?
In 2021, the Salt Lake City Transportation Division launched Connect SLC, an extensive process to update our last Transportation Master Plan from 1996. Like other Salt Lake City Transportation Plans, Connect SLC resulted in a Citywide Transportation Plan (CTP) that outlines high-level transportation policy to be applied across the city. We recognize that transportation has a direct impact on equity and quality of life, ranging from housing, to economic development, to air quality, and more.
Connect SLC will consider our sidewalks and streets holistically. We seek to use our streets not just as a means for person and vehicle mobility, but also as our shared living space. To accomplish this, we want to work with the community to learn about past and current transportation barriers and opportunities to improve connections and the streetscape in the City. We seek to understand how our diverse residents travel to places like work and the grocery store, what they like and don’t like about the streets they use, and what our system of streets and roadways could and should be.
We selected members for a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) in summer of 2021. The feedback of CAC members is helping shape Connect SLC.
What is the purpose of a Citywide Transportation Plan and why is it important?
Citywide Transportation Plans are long-term policy documents that define big goals and needs as well as ways to achieve them. They also guide City staff on how to implement smaller-scale projects and programs. Salt Lake City has adopted many citywide transportation-focused Plans in recent years, including the 2017 Transit Master Plan and the 2015 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.
Read the Connect SLC plan
What We Heard
Thanks to everyone that has engaged with us about transportation values in SLC!
We worked with our CAC members to analyze the survey results. On the transportation values survey, we received 879 total responses (864 in English and 15 in Spanish). The top 5 values from this survey were:
• Air Quality and the Environment
• Reliability
• Safety from Harm
• Affordability
• Equitable Access to Opportunities
The full survey report can be found here.
Video Overview and Presentation
Contact Us
Email | connectslc@slc.gov