Salt Lake City

Department of Economic Development

Phone: (801) 535-7200 | Email:

Roberta Reichgelt

Roberta Reichgelt


Roberta Reichgelt is the Director of Business Development for Salt Lake City’s Department of Economic Development. She began her career working in international economic development at the Foreign Fulbright Program in New York City. There she managed the budget of the largest funded program in Pakistan and assisted with program policy for the Afghan Junior Faculty Program. Following this, she joined the Dean’s Office at New York University Schack Institute of Real Estate where she worked on an Executive Global Real Estate Program and designed study trips to leading global cities. Since relocating to Salt Lake City, she has worked at Salt Lake Community College partnering education with industry to provide training for skill gaps in Utah’s workforce.

Roberta has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Loyola University Chicago and a Master’s in Public Administration from New York University. She is an outdoor enthusiast and is addicted to traveling.