Salt Lake City


1100 East Reconstruction: 900 South to Logan Ave (1600 South)

Responsive Margin

October 2024 Construction Update

The roadway and new bike lanes are now open on 1100 East! Construction on 1100 East, from 900 South to 1300 South began in March 2024. Since then, we have made the following improvements on 1100 East from 1300 South to 900 South:

  • Storm drain improvements
  • Bulb-outs at intersections
  • New Sidewalk and curb & gutter
  • New asphalt pavement on 1100 East
  • Buffered bike lanes and new paint on 1100 East

Crews are continuing to work on landscape restoration on both the east and west sides of 1100 East from 900 South to Logan Avenue. Landscape restoration will occur concurrently with all other construction activities. Impacts include:

  • Traffic on 1100 East between 900 South and 1300 South will be limited to local and business traffic only

  • Traffic lanes on 1100 East, between 900 South and 1300 South, will be shifted to the east side of the road

  • Noise, dust, and vibration

  • Inaccessible driveways for up to one hour during removal

  • Temporary driveway approaches will be constructed to maintain access for businesses and residents when removing concrete. You will receive written notice in advance if your driveway access is impacted.

This work consists of:

  • Storm drain improvements

  • Bulb-outs at intersections

  • New sidewalk and curb & gutter

  • New asphalt pavement

  • Buffered bike lanes and new paint

  • Hybrid protected bike intersections

  • Park strip landscaping

Call or text the project hotline at 385-743-8405 to reach the project team. Email “Updates” to to sign up for regular project updates.

Parking on 1100 E

All on-street parking adjustments are now complete, and vehicles should adhere to the new parking locations. Parking is not allowed in the bike lanes. Bike lanes are designated by Bike Lane and No Parking signs, double white stripes, and painted bike indicators on the roadway. Vehicles parked in the bike lanes and any other area designated with No Parking signs will be ticketed.


In 2021, Salt Lake City Transportation and Engineering identified a need to improve 1100 East between 900 South and Logan Avenue (1600 South). This project began on June 26, 2023 and will reconstruct roadway pavement, sidewalks, and gutters; and provide safety improvements, traffic calming features, and bicycle lanes along the corridor.

Map of 1100 East reconstruction project that runs from 900 South to Logan Avenue.


Project Timeline

Further information on the construction timeline and impacts will be available on this webpage and through the project email list as construction progresses. The project schedule is subject to change due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.

Summer 2021: Project kickoff

Fall to winter 2021: Community outreach

Fall to winter 2022: Roadway design finalization

Summer 2023 to Fall 2024: Construction begins

Bus Stop and Parking Adjustments

Bus Stop and Parking Adjustments

As part of this project, bus stops will be removed on both sides of the street at Michigan Avenue, Princeton Avenue, and Roosevelt Avenue. One stop will be removed on the west side of 1100 East at Logan Avenue. New bus stops will be installed to the north and south of 1300 South and the bus stops at Kensington Avenue will be moved closer to mid-block.

A map of the on-street parking updates to 1100 East.



Why is the project needed?

In 2021, Salt Lake City Transportation and Engineering Department identified a need to improve 1100 East between 900 South and Logan Avenue (1600 South) due to the poor pavement condition. The Salt Lake City Transportation Division spent about a year doing public outreach and evaluating the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan to determine the recommended transportation improvements.

What is the schedule?

Construction began on June 26, 2023 and is anticipated to be completed Fall 2024. Construction for the northern part of the project, 1300 South to 900 South, began on March 18, 2024.

How will construction be phased?

Reconstruction activities are scheduled to start at south end of the project and move north. Work will start at Princeton Avenue, and crews will begin with storm drain work in that area. Storm drain work will mainly occur on the east side of 1100 East. Crews will maintain two lanes of traffic in each direction whenever possible, but there may be instances where one-way road closures may be needed with flagging operations/temporary traffic signal in place to direct traffic.

How will my access be affected?

Some driveway approaches will need to be reconstructed. This will restrict access for 1-2 weeks on affected driveways. The project team will be sure to coordinate with property owners ahead of any driveway access impacts. The contractor will have steel plates on site to ensure the roads remain open during construction. There may be temporary access closures as needed for a few hours, but none that will be left overnight.

How will my property and/or landscaping be affected?

There may be minor disruptions to landscaping when placing concrete forms for curb and gutters. The contractor will repair any affected landscaping at no cost to the property owner. The contractor may have to cut/cap sprinklers as needed, which will still allow property owners to use sprinklers elsewhere on their property.

How will parking be affected during construction?

On-street parking will be restricted in the active construction zones.

Will there be utility interruptions?

Temporary water interruptions may be possible. Residents will be notified of any impacts ahead of time.

What was the outreach on the project?

For an overview of the public outreach for this project, please view the Project Background section.

How will parking be affected?

When the project is complete, on-street parking areas will be in limited areas along the corridor. See the adjusted parking locations.

What will the bike lanes look like?

Bike lanes will run on both sides of 1100 East. The 6-foot wide bike lanes will include a 2-foot painted buffer south of Harrison Avenue and north of 1300 South. Standard bike lanes will be striped between Harrison Avenue and 1300 South. Some intersections will feature a “hybrid protected bike intersection” described below.

What will the intersection improvements look like?

The intersection safety improvements will include hybrid protected bike intersections, bulb-outs, and a raised intersection at Harrison Avenue The hybrid protected bike intersection will have four 8-inch tall concrete curb islands that separate the bike lane from the travel lane and physically narrow the travel lanes.

Who do I call if I have a question or concern?

If you have a question, concern, or run into a problem during construction, please contact our public information team via phone at (385)743-8405 or email at

What is the McClelland Trail project?

For more information on the McClelland Trail project, please visit the project website: McClelland Trail and Neighborhood Street Livability Improvements.

What support is there for my business?

Salt Lake City has resources available for local business owners within the project corridor. A Thrive During Construction booklet is available to help business owners navigate the construction period. Salt Lake City’s Department of Economic Development can also assist business owners during construction. Please contact the project team if you are a business owner in need of these resources.

How is the project being funded?

On November 6, 2018, Salt Lake City voters approved the $87 million Funding Our Future Streets Reconstruction Bond. This funding is allowing Salt Lake City to address its most deteriorating streets and, when paired with new sales tax revenue for streets maintenance, enables the city to prolong the life of our entire street network.

Why is there so much construction in the area this year?

When bond funding is issued to a street reconstruction project, the funds are required to be used within 3 years.

What are other projects occurring in the area?

There are several other projects occurring within the area. More information for these projects can be found on their project websites.

Highland Drive (Warnock Ave to Logan Ave)

1300 East (2100 South to 3300 South)

900 South (900 West to 945 East)

2100 South Sewer Replacement

Street Design


Hybrid Protected Bike Intersection: 900 South to Logan Avenue

Hybrid protected bike intersections will be added along 1100 East from 900 South to Logan Avenue. These treatments will result in a lateral shifts in vehicle traffic which is expected to help slow vehicles on the roadway. The hybrid protected bike intersection treatment will be added to the following intersections:

  • Michigan Avenue

  • Yale Avenue

  • Princeton Avenue

  • Harrison Avenue (including a raised intersection)

  • Roosevelt Avenue

  • Emerson Avenue

  • Kensington Avenue

  • Bryan Avenue
Proposed design for 1100 East between Roosevelt Avenue and Emerson Avenue.

Example of Intersection Treatment: Kensington Avenue

The currently existing bike lane will be converted into a buffered bike lane to allow for more comfort for cyclists and to calm vehicle traffic. The intersection treatment shown below will be a part of the future Kensington Neighborhood Byway.

Example of changes along 1100 East at intersection with Kensington.

1300 South to Harrison Avenue

The intersection of 1100 East and Harrison Avenue is located near Emerson Elementary and represents the southern crossing of the McClelland Trail. In addition to curb-extensions on Harrison Avenue at the intersection, a raised intersection treatment with protected bike lanes will also be added to calm vehicle traffic and increase pedestrian safety. The protected bike lanes will allow the current bike lane arrangement to continue through intersection without interference from the curb extensions. Note: the area between Harrison and McClelland Trail crossing north of 1300 South will not have a buffer, but will instead be a standard bike lane.

Proposed changes at the intersection of Harrison Avenue and 1100 East

Community Engagement Overview

Community Engagement Overview

Since Fall 2021, the project team has worked with the community to identify concerns and gather input. This feedback has informed the final project design for the 1100 East corridor. The project team incorporated several suggested design elements and finalized the plan in September 2022.

Our team engaged with the community through various methods to collect different perspectives on the future of this project. We canvassed the surrounding neighborhoods with fliers, sent out postcards, and posted yard signs along the corridor. Along with the canvassing efforts, we provided residents a chance to take a survey and respond to our goals and intentions. We also attended East Liberty Park Community Organization community meetings to provide context on the initial design concepts.

What We Heard

The key messages we heard from the public about the project were: a desire for traffic calming and reducing the instances of speeding, concerns about vehicles parking too close to intersections and obstructing the view of oncoming traffic, and a need for missing bicycle infrastructure along 1100 East.

East Liberty Park Community Organization Meeting

The 1100 East Project Manager, Lynn Jacobs, presented to the East Liberty Park Community Organization (ELPCO) in January 2022. Watch the presentation video below; the 1100 East portion begins at the 52 minute mark.

Meet-The-Contractor Open House

A Meet-the-Contractor event was held at Emerson Elementary on Wednesday, April 26th. Several display boards and maps were shared with the public that included detailed project information, design features along the corridor, project team contact information, funding sources, and adjacent project information. View the project boards and design maps that were shown at the open house with the links below.

1100 East Meeting Boards

1100 East Scroll Plot


This project is funded through the 2018 voter-approved Funding Our Future street reconstruction bond. 

Other Area Project: Highland Drive/1100 East

As part of the Funding our Future bond, Salt Lake City will reconstruct Highland Drive/1100 East from Warnock Street (just south of Interstate 80) to Logan Avenue (just south of 1700 South) in 2023 and 2024.

Phase 2 work for this project has begun. 1100 East will be limited to one lane northbound only between 2100 South to Westminster Avenue. Two-way local traffic will be maintained between Logan Avenue and Westminster Avenue.

Reconstruction from 2100 South to the north is planned in 2024, aside from the work associated with the intersection mentioned above.

Further information on the construction timeline and impacts are available on the project webpage and through the project email list as we get closer to construction. The project schedule is subject to change due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.

Visit the Highland Drive/1100 East project page to learn more.

Contact Us

Project Manager | Megan Leether

Email |

Phone | 385-743-8405

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