Programs Offered Through the Prosecutor’s Office
Salt Lake County Criminal Justice Services, in collaboration with the Salt Lake City Prosecutor, Third Judicial District, Salt Lake City Justice Courts, Legal Defender Association, and others, provide case management services, treatment services, contract management, and administrative oversight for the following programs. These programs are based on the concept of “therapeutic jurisprudence.” Defendants are allowed to receive appropriate treatment specific to his/her offense in lieu of the traditional forms of prosecution and punishment such as jail or probation.
Treatment Services
Treatment Services is licensed by the state to provide out-patient mental health and substance abuse treatment for Criminal Justice Services clients including:
- In-jail forensic evaluations for pre-trial release determination
- Mental health and substance abuse assessment and treatment planning
- Individual and family counseling
- Crisis intervention
- Substance abuse group
- Anger management group
- Ventnor/Sex Offender group
- Women’s substance abuse and support group
- Relapse prevention
- Cognitive restructuring/Thinking errors classes
- Chance Effective Communication
- HIV/AIDS education
- Horizonte High (GED/High School)
- Victim impact panel (sponsored by MADD)
Public Sex Program
A program designed as an alternative to traditional prosecution for defendants charged with engaging in sexual activity in public places such as parks or gyms. A guilty plea is held in abeyance, and upon successful completion of an evaluation/treatment and other court terms the case is dismissed. This program’s mission is to reduce the overall public health risks, address community concerns and individual needs of those who participate in sexual activity in public locations within Salt Lake County.
Pride Counseling provides a pre-class assessment as well as group and individual clinical intervention with the focus on self-identity development, behavioral education, and personal growth.
Please Leave a message if you call.
Jerry Buie
(801) 595-0666
Click here for the Pride Counseling website