Salt Lake City

City Attorney's Office

Voter Information

Voter Information

Interested in registering to vote? You can register to vote online -with a Utah Driver’s License or ID – here.

If you do not have the above-mentioned ID, you will want to review the guidelines here.

To check your registration status, register to vote, or update your address within the county, click here to be redirected to the Salt Lake County Clerk website.

What are the requirements to register to vote?

You must meet certain requirements to register to vote in Utah. You must be:

  • A U.S. Citizen;
  • A resident of Utah for at least 30 days before the election; and
  • 18 years old on or before the day of the election.

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can pre-register to vote. If you pre-register, you will automatically be registered to vote when you turn 18 years old.

Am I considered a Utah resident?

You are considered a resident of Utah if your principal place of residence is in the state and you have the intention of making your residence here permanent or indefinite. If you have additional questions, please contact your county clerk.

For voter registration purposes, you are required to be a resident for 30 days immediately prior to election day

Vote by Mail

Ballots are mailed to active, registered voters 21 days prior to an election, according to Utah State law.

The post office does not forward ballots. If you need your ballot mailed to an address other than the address where you are registered to vote, contact the Salt Lake County Election Office.

To receive a mail-in ballot you must be registered to vote no later than eleven days before an election.

Mail-in ballots may be returned one of these three ways:

  1. Deposit it in a ballot drop-box (open 24/7) in Salt Lake County. Drop boxes are open until 8 PM on Election Day. Click here to view drop box locations.
  2. Drop it off at any Election Day Vote Center between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM on Election Day. To view Vote Centers, click here.
  3. Return it by mail in the postage-paid return envelope provided in your ballot packet. To be valid, your ballot must be postmarked no later than the day before Election Day.

Military and Overseas Voters

Active military (and dependents) serving outside of Utah, as well as American citizens living outside the U.S. who maintain a legal residency in Salt Lake County are eligible to vote in Salt Lake County. Military and overseas voters have the option to receive a ballot via mail, email, or fax.

To request a ballot through the Federal Voting Assistance Program, please fill out and submit the ballot request form available below. All requests must be submitted no later than the Thursday before Election Day. For more information, click here.

Voter FAQ

To be redirected to the Salt Lake County Clerk website to view frequently asked questions, click here.