Salt Lake City


200 South Reconstruction (400 West to 900 East)

Responsive Margin

Final Update

In 2018, Salt Lake City voters approved the Funding Our Future bond, providing funding for several of the city’s largest streets to be rebuilt and upgraded. The 200 South Reconstruction project started in 2020 with the vision of making transit easier, biking and walking safer and more convenient, beautifying this important downtown corridor, all while maintaining connectivity and improving pavement for drivers. Reconstruction began in 2022 and was completed in December, 2024.

 200 South is Utah’s busiest transit street, used by 10 different  bus routes with 34 buses traversing the corridor every hour. The project added:

  • Transit priority lanes
  • 10 In-lane bus stops with bus boarding platforms
  • Buffered bike lanes channelized behind bus islands with intersection safety upgrades
  • Sidewalk and curb ramp repairs to meet ADA standards
  • 6 Mid-block crossings with curb extensions and/or refuge islands and flashing crosswalk lights
  • Curbside parking and loading zones.
  • 36 new trees

Additionally, the project added:

  • 34,000 square yards of new asphalt pavement to extend the life of the road
  • 32,000 square yards of sidewalk and concrete replacement
  • 4,000 square yards of new bike lane

As a result, getting around is easier and more comfortable through increased safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, more efficient and convenient transit, and a more welcoming corridor with complete street design elements.

Aerial view of an urban street illustrating various infrastructure improvements. The image notes the addition of 36 trees, 10 bus boarding islands, 6 mid-block crosswalks, 4060 yards of bike lanes, and the replacement of 32,000 yards of concrete.
Before and After view of 200 South. Left side aerial view of the intersection at 200 East State Street showing roads, parked cars, and surrounding buildings including the Stratford Apartments. Banner showing "BEFORE- 200 East to State Street" at the top of picture. Right Side aerial view of an urban intersection at 200 East to State Street showing traffic lanes, parked cars, and buildings, including Stratford Apartments. Clear road markings and traffic signals are visible. Banner showing "AFTER- 200 East to State Street" at the top of picture.

Project Area Map

Map of the project area with two rectangular boundaries. One that runs from 600 West to University Street and another from 400 West to 900 East.

More Info

Construction Progress

Phase Two Improvements (200 E to 400 W)

Quantities as of October 2024

  • 12,000 square yards of new asphalt pavement to extend the life of the road and ensure a smooth ride from 200 East to State Street

  • 6 bus islands

  • 3,200 feet of curb

  • 23,000 feet of other concrete flatwork

Phase One Improvements (900 E to 200 E)

  • 418,932 square feet of new asphalt pavement to extend the life of the road and ensure a smooth ride

  • 12 new concrete bus platforms and upgraded existing bus stops with new concrete pads to make bus boarding easier and more accessible

  • 8,923 linear feet of curb to maintain drainage and keep storm water out of the road

  • 44,293 square feet of new concrete sidewalk to improve accessibility and the pedestrian experience

  • 1,950 linear feet of storm drain to keep water off the road

  • Four upgraded signals at 200 South and 200 East to improve signal timing and keep traffic moving

  • Over one mile of new dedicated bike lanes to separate bikes and vehicle traffic

Background and Materials

The 2017 Transit Master Plan was an intensive process that closely evaluated how to make transit work better for people living and working in the City. Fundamentally we understand that as we grow, it’s important to provide choices in travel and reduce dependence on cars. We know that if done well, there are a lot of positive implications like public health, air quality, economic competitiveness, and quality of life. Of the 15 corridors evaluated, the Transit Master Plan recommended analysis of capital improvements on 4 east-west corridors, with the #1 recommendation being 200 South from Salt Lake Central to the University of Utah.

We are taking the first steps to fulfill the voter-approved mandate by rebuilding 200 South and implementing the Transit Master Plan. We are also incorporating aspects of other adopted plans and policies resulting from years of discussion and public input, like the Complete Streets OrdinanceTransportation PlansClimate 2040 Plan, and more.

Check out our Story Map to learn more about the transit features and initial concepts that were developed for 200 South.

Watch the 200 South Virtual Open House!


The Funding Our Future logo.

Thanks to the 2018 voter-approved Funding Our Future streets reconstruction bond, 200 South will start to be rebuilt in 2022 with transit priority strategies top of mind.

Business Resources

Salt Lake City has resources available to support businesses during construction. Details about what the city offers, as well as helpful links for getting started on social media, are below. Please take a look and reach out with questions.

Salt Lake City Economic Development

Construction Resource Guide

Small Business Construction Mitigation Grant

Utah Small Business Center

Photo Gallery

A picture of a crosswalk on 200 South, complete with flashing crosswalk signs and a landscaped pedestrian refuge island.
A picture of a crosswalk on 200 South, complete with flashing crosswalk signs and a landscaped pedestrian refuge island.
A picture of the bike lane on 200 South which is protected by a raised concrete curb at the intersections.
A picture of the bike lane on 200 South which is protected by a curb at an intersection.
A picture of a bike lane on 200 South that dips behind a bus boarding island at an intersection.
A picture of people waiting for the bus at one of the bus boarding islands on 200 South.
A picture of a bus stopped at a bus boarding island.
A picture of a transit shelter on a bus island.
A picture of a road sign that says "Right lane. Bus only. Right turns allowed."

Contact Us

To stay informed, send us an email with “Updates” in the subject line or give us a call anytime.

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Phone | 801-535-6666

Stylized cityscape with a "200 South" logo and buildings, including the Salt Lake City skyline.

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