Salt Lake City


Planning Division | (801) 535-7700 |

Zoning Text Amendment – Child Daycare Text Amendment

Zoning Text Amendment – Child Daycare Text Amendment

Petition Number: PLNPCM2019-00225

Location: Citywide

Code Sections: 21A.36.130 “Child Daycare”, 21A.33 “Land Use Tables”, and 21A.62.040 “Definitions Of Terms

The child daycare text amendment is a proposal to eliminate barriers in the current Zoning Ordinance to further support the development of home daycare and child daycare centers near the places we live, with the intent of implementing the following goals adopted in the Growing SLC” Plan.

Goal 1 focuses on the need to increase the diversity of housing types and opportunities in the city by seeking policy reforms that can enhance the flexibility of the land-use code and create an efficient and predictable development process for community growth.

Goal 3 seeks to build a more equitable city by creating neighborhoods that accommodate every stage of life.

One example of a barrier to opening a child daycare center within a residential neighborhood is finding a location that is addressed on and oriented to an arterial street. Currently, there is a total of approximately 150 parcels that meet the minimum site requirements for a child daycare center. If the location requirement (i.e., oriented to an arterial street) was eliminated, this could potentially allow for 704 additional parcels to meet the minimum site requirements for a child daycare center subject to a conditional use.

Virtual Open House – Event Postponed

This event has been postponed. We will provide a new date and time for this event as soon as we have it.

For additional information contact:
Nannette Larsen // // 385-386-2761.

What is the Purpose of the Proposed Text Amendment?

  • Align with the goals of “Growing SLC” Plan, Plan Salt Lake and the various neighborhood master plans.
  • Ensure child daycare uses are designed and operated in manner that is sensitive to neighborhood issues.
  • Amend the zoning ordinance to remove zoning barriers to the development of home daycare and child daycare centers in applicable zoning districts.
  • Consolidate standards that are required or mandated in other provisions found in the Zoning Ordinance.

Review Criteria

The City’s Planning Staff will review the proposal against adopted policies and regulations and provide a recommendation to the Planning Commission. The below are criteria used to analyze a proposed zoning text amendment:

  • Whether a proposed text amendment is consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the City as stated through its various adopted planning documents;
  • Whether a proposed text amendment furthers the specific purpose statements of the zoning ordinance;
  • Whether a proposed text amendment is consistent with the purposes and provisions of any applicable overlay zoning districts which may impose additional standards; and
  • The extent to which a proposed text amendment implements best current, professional practices of urban planning and design.

Next Steps

What are the next steps?

  • The Planning Division is in the process of obtaining public comment on this proposal to help identify concerns and issues from the public.
  • The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing and will make a recommendation to City Council. The Planning Commission public hearing will be scheduled at a future date.
  • The City Council will hold a public hearing and will make a final decision on the zoning amendment application. The City Council public hearing will be scheduled at a future date.

Public Comments and Questions

The public comment period closed March 1, 2021. For additional information on this project please contact the staff planner.

Nannette Larsen // // 385-386-2761

Linda Mitchell // // 385-386-2763

Please note that public comments will still be accepted up until the date of the Planning Commission public hearing.

During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable zoning standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.

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