Salt Lake City


Planning Division | (801) 535-7700 |

General Plans

General Plans

A general plan details the vision, policies, and framework developed by the community that guide growth and development in a neighborhood over a period of time, usually 20-30 years.

What is a General Plan?

A general plan usually includes four key components:

How are General Plans Implemented?

Ever wonder how general plans are turned into reality? View how an adopted general plan is implemented, this graphic helps explains how the City works with residents, businesses, developers, and other partners to make our plans come to life.

General Plan Boundaries

Citywide Plans



Neighborhood Plans


Capitol Hill

Central Community

City Creek


East Bench

Northwest Community

Northwest Quadrant

Sugar House


  • Major Transit Facilities – SmallLarge – Adopted July 2006


Future Land Use Plan Maps

Most adopted plans include a “future land use” map specifying the intended future land use of properties. For convenience, most recently adopted future land use maps are available on the City’s Future Land Use Plan Maps webpage

Please note that not every plan with a future land use map is included on the map webpage but are instead available as digital documents from this webpage. Please see the Citywide and Neighborhood Plan sections above for a complete list of adopted plans and links to those plan documents.

If you require additional information, please contact us at or 801.535.7700.