Monthly Reports
The monthly reports communicate the Planning Division’s workload and provide analysis of the trends to better understand staff capacity. Each report includes the following information: Total applications submitted, application trends, feature projects, new projects in the works, and monthly highlights.
ADUs Annual Reports
The Salt Lake City Council adopted an updated Accessory Dwelling Unit ordinance in October 2018. That ordinance requires the Planning Division to produce an annual ADU report.
Homeless Resource Centers (HRCs) Annual Reports
Salt Lake City’s Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Homeless Resource Centers (HRCs) requires the operators to submit an annual report. Each report includes the following information:
- List of individuals who have participated in the community coordinating group meetings;
- A summary of each community coordinating group meeting;
- A summary of complaints received from the community by the operator of the homeless resource center or homeless shelter; and
- An explanation of how complaints have been addressed/resolved.
Planning Division's Annual Report
The annual report provides a summary of the work performed during the year by the division, including the work of the Historic Landmark Commission and Planning Commission . The report identifies the efforts towards addressing growth related issues facing the city as well as implementing city goals found in adopted community plans.
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