Salt Lake City


Planning Division | (801) 535-7700 |

1925 W North Temple Multi-Family Development

Design Review and TSA Development Score Review

1925 W North Temple Multi-Family Development

Petition Number: PLNPCM2020-00730, PLNTSD2020-00731

Zoning District: Transit Station Area Mixed Use Employment Center – Core and Transition (TSA-MUEC-C/T)

City Council District: 1, Represented by James Rogers

Michael Batt, representing the property owner, is proposing a 769 unit affordable housing multi-family development at property at approximately 1925 and 1971 W North Temple. The property and associated seven multi-family buildings have frontage on both Orange Street and North Temple. The developer is requesting an increase to the 5’ maximum front yard setback on Orange Street for “Building D” in the development, due to the location of a high voltage power line which requires a 25′ setback for safety. The building would be setback approximately 26′ to 30′ from Orange Street. The modification to the setback requires that the building by reviewed through the Design Review process.

Additionally, any development in the TSA zone requires that developments meet a certain number of development guidelines. The applicant has submitted plans and scoring for a “TSA Development Score Review” and their score is being verified by City Planning staff. If the development receives enough points by meeting enough guidelines, the development can be submitted for building permits. If any buildings in the development do not receive enough points, the developer can revise their plans to receive enough points or proceed to the Planning Commission for a “Design Review” of the building(s). 

For process reference, view the “TSA Development Guidelines” that will be reviewed as part of the score review.

View the Design Review Standards.

Project Location

Located at approximately 1925 and 1971 W North Temple.

Next Steps

  • The proposals are being reviewed for compliance with associated development standards by City Planning staff. The developer may revise their plans based on any compliance issues identified.
  • The modification to the Orange Street setback requires a public hearing and will be scheduled for a future Planning Commission public hearing and decision. Notices will be sent out approximately two weeks prior to the public hearing.
  • If the development receives enough “TSA Development Guideline” points, the remainder of the development may be submitted for building permits and no additional public review process will be required.
  • The TSA Development Score Review for the buildings may be finalized on November 16.

Public Comments and Questions

The public comment period closed November 30, 2020. For additional information on this project please contact the staff planner.

Daniel Echeverria // // 385-226-3835

Amanda Roman // // 385-386-2765

During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable zoning standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.

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