Salt Lake City


Planning Division | (801) 535-7700 |

Sugar House Drive-Through Zoning Text Amendment

Zoning Text Amendment

Sugar House Drive-Through Zoning Text Amendment

Petition Number: PLNPCM2023-00026

Project Location: Sugar House Business District

Zoning District: CSHBD Sugar House Business District (CSHBD1 and CSHBD2)

Council District: District 7 – Represented by Amy Fowler

The Salt Lake City Planning Commission has initiated a petition to amend the zoning ordinance related to drive-through uses within the Sugar House Business District. The proposed amendment would prohibit new drive-through uses in the Sugar House Business District (CSHBD1 & CSHBD2).

The zoning ordinance defines a drive-through facility as “a facility which by design, physical facilities, service or packaging procedures, encourages or permits customers to transact business, receive services or goods, or be entertained while remaining in their motor vehicles” (21A.62.040).

Drive-through facilities for financial institutions, restaurants, retail goods establishments, and retail service establishments are currently permitted uses in the Sugar House Business District. Permitted uses are approved through a building permit and do not require any public hearing. The proposed text amendment would prohibit new drive-through facilities in the Sugar House Business District by removing the permitted use designations for all drive-through facilities under CSHBD 1 and CSHBD 2 in the Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Commercial Districts (21A.33.030).

Project Location

Located at approximately Sugar House Business District.

Additional Information

Next Steps

  • Notice of this application has been sent to the Chair of the Sugar House Community Council and the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce, where the subject zoning districts are located, who may choose to schedule the matter at an upcoming meeting. Please contact the chair(s) of these organizations to determine whether a community council will review this petition and when and how that meeting will occur. The contact information for these groups is as follows:
  • A 45-day notice period to solicit comments on the text amendment is held before a public hearing with the Planning Commission can be scheduled. This notice period will end April 3, 2023
  • During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will consider all public comments received and make appropriate modifications to the text amendment to better meet the needs of the city.  
  • The Planning Commission will then hold a public hearing for additional public comments and make a recommendation to the City Council.
  • The City Council will hold a public hearing for additional public comments. The City Council will have the final decision on the matter.

What is the role of the Planning Staff in this Process

The Salt Lake City Planning Division is currently soliciting public comment and input for the proposed amendment and may revise the proposal based on any input received. Staff will then take the proposed changes to the Planning Commission for a public hearing and recommendation. That recommendation will then be sent to the City Council for another public hearing and decision. The City Council may adopt the proposal, adopt the proposal with changes, or decline to adopt the proposal. Dates for these public hearings have not yet been set.

Public Comments and Questions

The public comment period closed April 26, 2023. For additional information on this project please contact the staff planner.

Andy Hulka, Principal Planner // // 801.535.6608

During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will evaluate the proposal against the applicable zoning standards, taking into consideration public comments as they relate to the standards, and develop a recommendation for the Planning Commission.

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