Salt Lake City


Planning Division | (801) 535-7700 |

Text Amendment Related to the H Historic Preservation Overlay

This Online Open House has been closed, the proposal has been adopted by the City Council. For additional information regarding the decision please visit the City Council’s Minutes and Records page, or contact the Staff Planner listed under the “Public Comments and Questions” section of this page. Thank you!

Zoning Text Amendment

Text Amendment Related to the H Historic Preservation Overlay

Petition Number: PLNPCM2023-00123

Overlay District: 21A.34.020 H Historic Preservation Overlay District

Mayor Erin Mendenhall has initiated a petition for a text amendment that would impact properties subject to the H Historic Preservation Overlay District citywide. The H Historic Preservation Overlay District applies to properties within a local historic district, properties within a thematic designation, or landmark sites and also outlines process and standards for local historic designations and amendments.

What is the Intent of the Text Amendment?

This proposed text amendment is intended to do the following:

  • Clarify and reorganize chapter 21A.34.020 so repetition is removed, and process steps are clear.
  • Adds the ability to deny a Certificate of Appropriateness at an administrative level when standards are not met as a streamlining measure for the Historic Landmark Commission’s time.
  • Adds jurisdiction & authority language for the Historic Landmark Commission to reflect duties that aren’t currently listed.
  • Adds process to have City Council adopt accompanying historic resource surveys as part of local historic designation and creates a new process for updates to historic resource surveys.
  • Creates a new process and factors to consider historic status changes in city records, ie. contributing or noncontributing status for individual properties in certain circumstances.
  • Moves definitions from 21A.34.020 to the Definition chapter of the zoning ordinance – 21A.62.
  • Moves the local historic designation process, which is an amendment process, to a new chapter – 21A.51 Local Historic Designation and Amendments. Processing steps and standards for designations and amendments are not changing from what currently exists in the code.
  • Adds in the ability to review all solar panels at an administrative level. Currently, the Historic Landmark Commission is required to review solar panels on the front façade of a building.
  • Any other fine tuning in language needed to clarify current processes, practices, policies to aid in administration of the H Historic Preservation Overlay District.

Draft Ordinance

The city has prepared a draft ordinance that can be accessed from the link below. Through the public and city staff review process, this draft will be further revised and it’s possible that other related sections will be modified as the proposal progresses. 

View Draft Ordinance

Next Steps

  • Notice of this application was sent to all registered Salt Lake City Recognized Organizations who have been given a 45-day period to respond before a public hearing with the Historic Landmark Commission and Planning Commission can be scheduled. The noticing period for this application expires on April 27, 2023. Please contact the chair(s) of these organizations to determine whether any of the recognized organizations will schedule the matter at an upcoming meeting and when and how that meeting will occur. View contact information for Salt Lake City Recognized Organizations.
  • During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will consider all public comments received and make appropriate modifications to the proposed ordinance language.
  • Public hearings will be held with both the Historic Landmark Commission and the Planning Commission where there will be additional opportunity to make public comments. The Historic Landmark Commission and Planning Commission will make a recommendation on the proposed changes and their recommendations will be forwarded to the City Council.
  • The City Council will hold a public hearing for additional public comments and will make a final decision on the matter.

What is the role of the Planning Staff in this process?

Planning Staff responds to public comments, answers questions, will make appropriate modifications to the draft ordinance, and will brief and make recommendations to the Historic Landmark Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council.

Public Comments and Questions

We want to hear from you! To submit a comment or question please contact the staff planner via email or leave a voicemail, your questions will be answered within a week after the comment period has ended.

  • Start of Comment Period: March 20, 2023
  • End of Comment Period: April 27, 2023

During and following this comment period, the Planning Division will further refine the draft ordinance and prepare a staff report and recommendation for the Historic Landmark Commission and Planning Commission. Comments can be made after the public comment period, but may not be included in the staff report if they are received after the end of comment period date above.

Amy Thompson, Planning Manager // // 801.535.7281

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