Salt Lake City


Planning Division | (801) 535-7700 |

Potential Approaches to Simplifying and Improving R-1 Districts

Zoning District Amendment Study

Potential Approaches to Simplifying and Improving R-1 Districts

During their formal meeting on September 5, 2023, the Salt Lake City Council passed a legislative action requesting that staff study options for a zoning text amendment that would make changes to all R-1 single-family residential zoning districts.

Specifically, the Council asked staff to:

  • Explore consolidating the R-1 zoning districts.
  • Provide options that may include, but not be limited to, reducing minimum lot sizes, reducing, or removing minimum lot widths, easing flag lot standards, and allowing attached single-family dwellings in all zones.
  • Consider options for zoning changes along collectors and arterials to allow greater residential density and mixed-use development.

The Council also wanted staff to evaluate how the proposals would impact strategies within Thriving in Place, future land/water policy, public transportation needs, walkability, and local historic districts. This information is intended to help the Council decide what, if any, actions are appropriate and necessary to help define the role that single-family zoning districts fulfill in addressing the housing needs of the city for future generations and the housing goals adopted by the City Council.

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