Zoning Interpretations & TSA Development Score Reviews
Visit the Salt Lake City Online Document Center to view Administrative Interpretations, Determinations of Non-Conforming Use, and TSA Development Score Review Applications.
How to Look Up Records
Document Organization: documents are organized by document type and year.
- On the main menu, click “Planning Documents”.
- Click on desired document type.
- Click on desired year, for example: “Administrative Determinations”, “2022”.
- Documents will appear in chronological order, oldest to newest.
- Click on the title of the desired record.
Document Search: all documents in our database can be searched by providing basic information.
- On the main menu, click “Search Planning Documents”.
- Fill out the desired fields.
- To search by key word, enter the desired key word under “Document Text”.
- Click “Submit”.
- Documents containing the provided information will appear at the bottom of the window.
- Click on the title of the desired record.
Administrative Interpretations
We recognize that the Zoning Ordinance cannot address every specific situation to which these provisions may have to be applied. The purpose of the administrative interpretation is to provide clarification on a specific provision considering the purposes for which those provisions were created. The intent of this process is to allow authoritative application to specific cases, and it is not intended to add to or change the essential content of this title.
Administrative Interpretations are issued by the Zoning Administrator. Interpretations are valid only for the specific property identified in the application. There is no value or precedent established beyond that specific property.
Determinations of Non-Conforming Use
The Administrative Determination examines evidence to determine whether a Non-Conforming Use is legally established and allowed to continue.
Administrative Determinations are issued by Planning staff in conjunction with the Zoning Administrator. Determinations of Non-Conforming Use are valid only for the specific property identified in the application. There is no value or precedent established beyond that specific property.
TSA Development Score Review Applications
Transit Station Area (TSA) Development Score Review Application are issued by the Planning Division and determine the approval process for development near transit stations on 400 South and North Temple.
The development score is generated by the “Transit Station Area Development Guidelines”. Each guideline has a value assigned to it. Applicants pick which guidelines to include in their project and the total value of each guideline is added together to determine the total score.
Projects that score under 125 points are required to go through Design Review with the Planning Commission. Projects that score 125 points or more are allowed to go straight to the building permit process without having to go through any additional approval process.
View the TSA Development Score Review application.
If you require additional information, please contact us at zoning@slc.gov or 801.535.7700.
Appeals to Administrative Interpretations, Determinations of Non-Conforming Use, and TSA Development Score Review Applications decisions may be made to the Appeals Hearing Officer by submitting an Appeal application within ten (10) days of the decision being made.