Salt Lake City


801-535-6630 |

Rose Park & Fairpark Neighborhood Byway

Responsive Margin
A photo of the crossing improvement at 1000 North and 1300 West

Project Overview

Salt Lake City is making it better for people of all ages and abilities to walk, bicycle, and roll along neighborhood streets by implementing Neighborhood Byways. Neighborhood Byways create pleasant and convenient routes for people using active modes of transportation by encouraging safe travel speeds, discouraging cut-through vehicle traffic, providing safe crossings of busy streets, and connecting people to destinations. Salt Lake City is developing a network of these routes, which can be viewed on the Neighborhood Byways page.

Improvements on 1300 West

Thank you to everyone who engaged with us on the Rose Park and Fairpark Neighborhood Byway! The Salt Lake City Transportation Division has completed construction for crossing improvements along 1300 West at 1000 North and 600 North. The final designs are based on feedback from you and your neighbors (viewable in the accordion below), project goals, previous draft designs, as well as technical analysis.

Adding to the improvements at these intersections, the 500 North traffic calming project recently completed a traffic circle at the intersection of 500 North and 1300 West.

Project Background and Goals

Project Background 

The Rose Park Community Council was awarded CIP funds for the first phase of a north-south neighborhood byway in the Rose Park and Fairpark neighborhoods, recommended in the SLC Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan.

The project kicked off in the spring of 2019, and a byway route and safety improvements along the route were proposed. The project team met with community members at events, public meetings, and door to door visits to gather feedback. 

Based on initial outreach and community feedback, the project team conducted further technical analysis to study route options. We looked at several factors including existing conditions, proximity to community destinations, network connectivity, and more. Using the results from the technical analysis, guidance from the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, and public input, we are proposing an adjusted byway route.

Project Goals:

  • Accommodate people who walk or bicycle, linking them to critical destinations, including neighborhood retail areas, parks, schools, and transit stations.
  • Improve safety for all roadway users.
Neighborhood Byway Route Selection Map

Frequently Asked Questions

What changes are being made? 

The City will construct crossing safety improvements along 1300 West. These safety improvements include:

  • Curb extensions (also known as bulb-outs) at the corners of the intersections to shorten the distance when crossing the street and help calm vehicle traffic

  • High visibility crosswalks

  • Push-button activated flashing beacons (RRFBs) to alert drivers that there is someone in the crosswalk

  • Curb ramps for bicycle access to the beacon push buttons and crosswalk

  • Signalized crossings

Improvements will also include wayfinding signage and pavement markings such as shared lane markings to help guide people riding bicycles along the byway.

Why was the 1300 West chosen for the byway route when there is already a bicycle lane on 1200 West? 

Byway routes are selected based on many factors including:

  • Lower traffic volumes

  • Lower speeds – narrow streets or other characteristics that make driving fast in a vehicle feel uncomfortable

  • Direct connections between neighborhood destinations

  • Greening along the route – for example, street trees that provide shade

Neighborhood byway routes are identified in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, adopted by SLC in 2015. Byways aim to create a more inviting and comfortable street network forpeople walking and bicycling. The project team looked at several of the above factors, including existing conditions, proximity to community destinations (Jordan River Trail, schools, community centers, parks, and businesses), transportation network connectivity, and more. Using the technical analysis results, guidance from the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, and public input (public events, surveys, etc.), the 1300 West byway route was chosen.

What type of bicycle lanes will be implemented?

The City will implement shared lane markings (i.e., “sharrows”) along the route to help guide people riding bicycles and to indicate a travel lane shared by bicyclists and motor vehicles. According to NACTO, shared lane markings “reinforce the legitimacy of bicycle traffic on the street and recommend proper bicyclist positioning.” 

See question: What type of changes will take place for more information.

When did these changes take place? 

Construction was completed in Fall 2023.

Will speed reductions or other crossing safety improvements be implemented? 

This phase of the project focused on safety improvements at the intersection of busy streets that cross the byway (such as 600 North and 1000 North), which may help calm vehicle traffic turning onto the byway. One reason that 1300 West was chosen as a byway is due to the street’s relatively low traffic volume and speeds. However, further analysis, feedback from residents, and funding availability may lead to additional traffic calming along the byway in the future.

What changes were made at the 600 North intersection?

Previously, there was only one crosswalk on the west leg of the intersection with no additional beacons or traffic control devices to indicate to drivers traveling on 600 North that people are crossing. The new design provides crosswalks on both sides of 600 North and drivers traveling east and west on 600 North will be stopped by a traffic signal when someone walking or bicycling is present and has activated the signal. The biggest change for drivers is that vehicles traveling north and south on 1300 West are only allowed to make right turns at 600 North. Residents that live near the intersection will be affected most by this change.

The 1300 West neighborhood byway crossing at 600 North is referred to as a Toucan, meaning “two can” cross simultaneously — someone walking and someone bicycling. Toucan crossings are a standard crossing design for Salt Lake City’s growing network of neighborhood byways on busy streets like 600 North. Other locations where this type of crossing has been installed include the 600 East neighborhood byway crossings at 2100 South and 1300 South.

Why this design on 600 North?

One of the primary issues residents experience when crossing 600 North (see our community survey results) are vehicles speeding and not stopping for people walking and bicycling. This type of crossing design provides a safe and effective crossing at major streets that have high vehicle traffic volumes and speeds without adding a four-way traffic signal. Four-way traffic signals are more expensive and can potentially attract more vehicles to 1300 West.

How does a Toucan work?

The Toucan design allows people walking and bicycling on 1300 West to activate a stop light for vehicles on 600 North by pressing a button. Push buttons for people walking are in their standard location – at the corner near the pedestrian ramp. People bicycling are directed to center bike lanes with median islands where push buttons and bicycle signals are located. When the signal is activated, a walk signal is given for pedestrians. A green bicycle signal is given for cyclists.

An important feature of this design is that vehicles traveling on 600 North are given a red light only when someone needing to cross has activated it. In other words, the traffic light won’t automatically rotate through red and green phases. 

Another feature of this design is that it diverts vehicles using 1300 West neighborhood byway to travel through the neighborhood – that is, vehicles traveling north and south on 1300 West must turn right at 600 North. Fewer vehicles on this local street provides a more comfortable experience to those walking and bicycling on the neighborhood byway and residents enjoy less vehicle traffic on their street.

Surveys, Summaries, and Resources

Visit the 600/700 North Mobility, Safety, and Transit Improvements Study project page for more information.

Read below to hear what the community had to say about the proposed changes to 600 North and 1000 North along the 1300 West corridor, and the letter of support from the Bicycle Advisory Community.

2020 1000 North & 1300 West Crossing Improvement Draft Design Summary

Project Timelines

Spring 2019 – Public announcementSpring 2021 Public announcement
Winter 2019 – Input on draft designSummer 2021 – Input on draft design
Fall 2020 – Input on intersection design & final byway routeFall 2022 – Final design
Summer / Fall 2022– Construction beginsSpring/Summer 2023 – Construction begins

Neighborhood Byways Map

600 North & 1300 West Crossing Design

A diagram of the 600 North and 1300 West intersection design. North and southbound vehicles are forced to turn right onto 600 North by two concrete curbs in the roadway. The curbs are located on both the north and south parts of the intersection and have a push button for cyclists to trigger a red light for motorists on 600 North. Painted bicycle sharrows are used throughout the intersection to direct cyclists and alert drivers.
600 North & 1300 West Final Design

1000 North & 1300 West Crossing Design

A diagram of the 1300 West and 1000 North intersection. The crosswalk is upgraded with concrete curb extensions and a pedestrian refuge island that shortens the crossing distance for people walking. The bus stop has been upgraded with a large concrete pad.
1000 North & 1300 West Final Design

Contact Us

Stay in the loop by signing up for the Neighborhood Byways email list!

Project Engineer | Megan Leether

Project Manager | Will Becker

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