Salt Lake City

Community and Neighborhoods

(801) 535-6230

General Information for COVID-19

Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall is providing continuing guidance for our City in response to COVID-19. There is no interruption of service for public utilities, including water and trash pickup.

Below is a summary of the actions the Community & Neighborhoods Department (CAN) is taking in response to the directive to limit contact between staff, partners, and the general public as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the COVID-19 situation is constantly changing, CAN anticipates that processes will evolve over time to ensure the health and safety of staff and the public. Critical issues and Division processes are listed below. Please expect changes as we identify additional needs and figure out operational improvements.

Public Meetings


We have instructed all Staff to cease attending all community meetings in person. We have told them that they can and should be available via telephone, Skype, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, etc. where possible and that they should continue to provide requested materials via email. A list of CAN divisions can be found here.

Divisions that host public meetings will follow the same procedures that the City Council is creating for their public meetings.

In-Office Public Interactions


All CAN divisions are working on moving toward telephone or online interactions that currently take place in person/in our offices. Many of these interactions already occur electronically. For those that do not, we are investigating and actively working on making those changes. 

Each CAN division has instituted a telecommuting option for their employees, and limited staff will be in City offices. The City & County Building is also closed to the public at this time, save for scheduled appointments. Please note that masks are required to be worn at all times while in City facilities. Please keep that in mind when planning to visit our offices. We encourage all constituents to reach us via phone or email to protect your health and safety and the health and safety of our staff. A list of CAN divisions can be found here.


Below is information on individual CAN divisions. As our divisions update their operations, we will update the information below.

Real Estate Services

For your convenience we have created online permit applications to reduce the need to travel to our office. You can now find applications for Sidewalk Vendors and Special Events online. For all new Encroachment permits please email for assistance. Applications may be made in person by appointment only. Appointments can be made by email at For more information, please visit:

Housing Stability

All customers who regularly visit us in the office to make monthly payments are asked to call 801-535-7228 and make your payment using a credit card or an electronic check. We request you continue making your payments over the phone until the City returns to a normal schedule.

If paying by check or money order, please place the payment in an envelope and deposit it in the drop box located on the south side of the east entrance to City and County Building (enter between 400 and 500 South at 200 East).

At this time, most Housing Stability staff will be telecommuting but are still available by phone or email. However, please be aware that we are no longer accepting walk-in business such as applications, contract management, or payments. Housing Stability will accommodate in person meetings by appointment only. This can be scheduled in advance by calling 801-535-7712 or emailing here for a staff directory,

If you have any questions, please call us at 801-535-7228. For information about Housing Stability, please visit:


Salt Lake City Planning manages public hearings for the Planning Commission, Historic Landmark Commission, and the Appeals Hearing Officer. We also hold administrative public hearings. 

Salt Lake City Planning Open Houses moved to an online format. That may include a variety of media options and a 45-day public comment period. Community Councils will be asked to work with applicants on presentations of development projects.

Planning Counter: The Planning Counter is open for appointments and walk-ins Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 AM – 5 PM, at the City and County Building, Room 215.

To schedule an appointment click here. For questions about our appointment process, contact us at 801-535-7700 or

Meet with your planner: If you have an active petition and are in need of an in-person consult, please contact your assigned planner to set up a meeting. To view our staff contact information, click here.

Please check our website for updates and all additional information.


A number of different permits are issued by the Transportation Division to the public. Staff is working to issue these permits online. Issuance of the Salt Lake City Green Stickers will be temporarily suspended until further notice. Residential Parking Permits renewals are currently available online only and will not be issued in person at the Transportation Office. Please call our office for direction on how to purchase NEW Residential Parking Permits online.  

Traffic Control Permits and Bagged Meter Permits are currently available online only and will not be issued in person at the Transportation Office. Please call our office at 801-535-6630 for any question or help in securing these permits online.

The Transportation Division encourages all applicants to call or email us with questions. Please check our website for updates and all additional information We will be responding to all inquiries via email at If you prefer to call, please dial 801-535-6630.

The Transportation team hopes to open the front desk and permit desk soon and will be evaluating COVID statistics monthly to determine when this will happen.

Transportation staff is available to meet in-person by appointment only during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm). To schedule an appointment, call 801-55-6630. Additionally, Transportation is working on plans to open the front desk and permit desk for walk-ins in the coming weeks, so check back regularly.

Building Services

Though the Building Permit Office in Room 215 of the City and County Building is closed to walk-in customers, building inspections staff will continue to make building inspections in the regular routine. All online services are available for permits and plan review. The permits and plan review staff in Building Services will be available to meet in Room 215 on Monday – Thursday from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm by appointment only. Any questions can be directed to online staff at:

Please check our website for updates and all additional information We will be responding to all inquiries via email at If you prefer to call, please dial 801-535-7224.