Salt Lake City

Public Lands Department

18th Avenue (Hilltop Road)

18th Avenue (Hilltop Road)

Location: 925 Hilltop Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 84103

The 18th Avenue Trailhead represents the highest elevation access point (5175 ft) with dedicated off-street parking and amenities. The existing footprint is an ungraded dirt lot for 10-12 unmarked spaces with a vehicular gate for Public Utilities access. This trailhead has long served the community as a key access point to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, the Meadow Trail, various user-created trails, the I-Street Bike Park and is an access point for other Upper Avenues trails.

Note: This location is on a Public Utilities parcel with critical City water infrastructure including a water storage tank and underground pipes. Various concepts have been considered including refurbishing the existing footprint, moving it to a larger space on the same parcel, and purchasing or leasing land from the neighboring LDS church. The final location is still to be determined and will prioritize protecting the current Public Utilities infrastructure and maximizing necessary improvements for recreational access to the Foothills. Future Public Utilities infrastructure requirements could alter the trailhead layout and location at a future date if deemed necessary.

Existing Conditions

Conceptual Design


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