Salt Lake City

Public Lands Department

Urban Forestry FAQ’s

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Is this tree a City tree?

Trees growing in the park strip between the sidewalk and the street are City trees, as well as all trees growing in parks. Some streets do not have park strips, but the trees along the street are still city trees. Call the Urban Forestry office with the address of the tree and we can determine if it is a City tree.

Can Urban Forestry help with a tree that is on private property?

Salt Lake City Urban Forestry does not perform service for trees located on private property. We cannot recommend any specific arborist or tree care company, but see the links page for the Utah Community Forest Council website that contains a list of certified arborists who can assist with private property trees.

How do I request a city tree to be trimmed or removed?

See the Urban Forestry Services page for the information we need to provide service for a city tree.

How do I get on the tree planting list?

See the Urban Forestry Services page and read the tree planting section. After an initial inspection, you will be put on the planting list and receive a tree planting letter before the next planting season. Return of that letter will serve as confirmation for planting a tree.

How long will it take for the work to occur?

Urban Forestry has thousands of trees to prune or remove every year and work priority is safety-based. During the summer months, our work queue stretches to 4+ months after a request, due to the volume of requests and service provided.

Can I place a swing, sign, holiday lights, bird feeder, etc on a city tree?

It is against city ordinance to attach anything to a city tree. Not only can it be harmful to the tree, but it can prevent public use of sidewalks, etc.

A city tree is lifting my sidewalk or roots are clogging my sewer. Will Urban Forestry remove the tree?

Hardscape or utility damage are NOT appropriate reasons for healthy tree removal. Sidewalk and utility replacement are the responsibility of the property owner.

Does the city spray trees for insects and diseases?

The Urban Forestry program does not spray for pest control. In certain circumstances, our arborists may prescribe options for individual tree pest control.

How do I take care of the tree in the park strip adjacent to my property?

Providing enough water is the most critical factor in helping trees survive. Water trees with a hose separately from grass. Keeping grass away from the trunk and placing mulch can help to ensure a tree’s vigor. See tree care page for more detailed information. To avoid damaging a tree, don’t hang signs, swings, lights, etc from a tree and seek the help of Urban Forestry for pruning/removal services rather than attempting to prune the tree yourself.

I am xeriscaping the park strip. Will this impact the trees?

Xeriscaping can be a viable landscape option for saving water in Utah’s climate. It is important to remember, however, that trees still need water! If you want to xeriscape the park strip, call the Urban Forestry office and we can give suggestions for how to re-landscape with minimal impact to trees and give suggestions for providing adequate water to trees.