Salt Lake City

Planning Division

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Multifamily Merger (RMF-35 and RMF-45)

Salt Lake City is proposing to update the RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family) and RMF-45 (Moderate/High Density Multi-Family) zoning districts by combining them into a single district.

This change aims to promote the development of more affordable and attainable housing while supporting residents in existing moderate-density neighborhoods. The primary focus is to fulfill the intent of the RMF-35 and RMF-45 zoning districts by facilitating more moderate-density housing, while retaining neighborhood character and preserving existing units.

Learn more about the proposal and upcoming public engagement opportunities by visiting the project StoryMap.

Commercial & Mixed-Use Zoning District Consolidation

Salt Lake City is proposing to update its zoning ordinance and zoning map by consolidating up to 27 existing commercial, form-based, and mixed-use zoning districts into six new mixed-use (MU) districts.

This effort seeks to streamline zoning regulations, clarify language, and integrate missing design standards. The goal is to create a more manageable code for the city to administer and increase accessibility and understanding for the public. The new mixed-use districts will resemble current ones but will feature adjustments to setbacks, building height, lot coverage, permitted land uses, and related provisions.

Learn more about the proposal and upcoming public engagement opportunities by visiting the project StoryMap.

Online Open Houses


General Plans

Event Calendar

