Salt Lake City

Mayor's Office

Erin Mendenhall | (801) 535-7704

Salt Lake City seeks public feedback on Main Street vision

August 3, 2023

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Salt Lake City requests public feedback to develop a conceptual design vision to transform Main Street (from South Temple to 400 South) into a Pedestrian-Transit Mall. This vision builds upon past planning documents and the success of the Open Streets events, hosted in partnership with the Downtown Alliance. This study will incorporate the lessons learned from past events and community feedback to shape design concepts to permanently transform Main Street into a welcoming space to gather, shop, dine, play, relax, attend events and connect.  

“This is the next step in fulfilling the vision of the Second Century Plan, and other Downtown master plans,” said Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall. “The vision for Main Street has always been about creating a destination that enhances connectivity between people, which ultimately contributes to the long-term economic health of Downtown Salt Lake City.”  

Salt Lake City has led extensive coordination with city, state, and local stakeholders to bring this project to life, and is now working with Denver-based Dig Studio to prepare a transformative design vision for the future of Main Street.  

We are seeking community feedback through an online survey at through August 11, 2023. This survey marks the launch of the Together on Main plan, which will be driven by community visions and insights.  

Following the survey closure on August 11, the website will provide project updates and future opportunities to share your feedback, including opportunities to participate in Open Streets 2023.

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