Jan. 29, 2024
Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall released the City’s 2023 report, outlining the progress achieved on goals introduced in the Mayor’s 2023 Plan. From advancing environmental stewardship to harnessing the City’s growth to elevating partnerships that provide support to our most vulnerable communities, Salt Lake City continues to execute meaningful work to support current residents, future generations, employees, and the environment.
“Accountability and transparency are central to the priorities of my administration and the thoughtful work carried out by the City’s teams of dedicated public servants. The 2023 report provides valuable insight into some of the City’s incredible achievements and the momentum that continues to uplift our communities and environment,” Mendenhall said.
Of the 60 goals laid out, the City accomplished 52 and is continuing progress on eight remaining goals in 2024.
2023 achievements of note
- Adoption of Housing SLC, a comprehensive five-year plan to address housing affordability and increase opportunities for homeownership
- Adoption of Thriving in Place, a strategic plan to address displacement and gentrification
- Completion of a top-to-bottom audit of water usage at every City facility to identify and eliminate inefficiencies
- Development of a turf reduction plan for long-term water savings across all six City golf courses
- Initiation of the Green Loop concept design, informed by community engagement, a pop-up installation, and walking tours
- Implementation of the Police Civilian Response Team to provide effective public safety services that do not require a sworn officer
- Implementation of innovative solutions to housing insecurity and homelessness, including the launch of a temporary microshelter community in coordination with the State Office of Homeless Services and the creation of a library of pre-approved tiny home/ADU plans
The mayor releases an annual report reflecting the progress of stated goals at the beginning of each year focusing on four core pillars of her administration:
- Growth: Harnessing the City’s growth for the good of all residents
- Environment: Leading the way in resilience and sustainability
- Communities: Creating inclusive, safe, and equitable opportunities for all
- City Family: Supporting employees’ physical, mental, and economic well-being
Read the full 2023 report at slcmayorplan.com.
Tags: 2023 Mayor Plan, 2023 Report, Green Loop, Homelessness, housing SLC, Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall, temporary microshelter community, Thriving in Place, water usage