Salt Lake City

Housing Stability Division

801-535-7712 |

Fix the Bricks – Salt Lake City Seismic Retrofit


Fix the Bricks applications are currently OPEN. To apply for Fix the Bricks, see information and links below.

Program Application

Fix the Bricks applications are currently OPEN. Please see the information below for additional details regarding the Fix the Bricks program and application process.

Program Qualifications

  • Are you a Salt Lake City resident that has an Unreinforced Masonry Home?
  • Was your home built prior to 1975?

If so, the Fix the Bricks program can pay for up to 75% of the seismic retrofit of your home.

What is an Unreinforced Masonry Home?

Older buildings, typically those built before 1975, used different construction processes, which we now know will not hold up in the event of an earthquake. Because Salt Lake City lies along a fault line, this puts our residents at risk during an earthquake. If you have an older home, with brick walls, and or a brick chimney, that has not received special earthquake upgrades, Salt Lake City will help you pay to make your home safe.

With these upgrades you will have time to escape your home in the event of an earthquake.

What to expect?

Applications are reviewed and approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to high demand, current new applicants will be added to a waitlist. The current wait time for new applicants at current program funding levels is approximately 10 years. Future program funding considerations may result in the implementation of additional priorities that could increase or decrease wait times.

Once you’re off the waitlist, program staff will contact you, perform a home evaluation, and direct the construction process.

Why are roof to wall connections and chimney bracing reinforcements a priority?

The most significant potential risk from these URMs buildings is collapse. Securing the items mentioned above we can stabilize the structures and make it less likely to collapse by reducing the numbers of collapsed houses we mitigate the impact to the community by reducing deaths, injuries and trapped families.

What are the preliminary requirements to participate in this program? 

You must live within Salt Lake City’s boundaries and you must own a home of unreinforced masonry construction as described in the “Utah Guide for the Seismic Improvement of Unreinforced Masonry Dwellings”.

When will my house become officially eligible for grant funding?

Applications are addressed in the order they are received.  If your home is identified as a potential project during one of these cycles you will be contacted for participation evaluation.

How much is this going to cost?

Each home varies in cost due to age, size, perimeter, work desired, and historical preservation needs. The current average is $20,000 for a 2500 sq. ft. home with two chimneys. If accepted into the program; the grant will cover up to 75% and the homeowner will be responsible for the remaining cost.


For additional information on the Fix the Brick program, you can contact us at:

PHONE: 801-799-3698